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Write 32bit news item #44

Closed anitagraser closed 3 years ago

anitagraser commented 3 years ago





mbernasocchi commented 3 years ago

@anitagraser did you receive my bulletpoints last week?

anitagraser commented 3 years ago

@mbernasocchi No, I didn't. Was it a google docs invite?

mbernasocchi commented 3 years ago

@anitagraser I shared it again to your @qgis address

anitagraser commented 3 years ago

Let me know if the draft works for you and then we can mail and blog it.

mbernasocchi commented 3 years ago

thanks a lot was perfect, I've published the blog. will do the mailing now. can you tweet?

andreasneumann commented 3 years ago


Is this some abbreviation / slang thing that I don't know, or an error?

andreasneumann commented 3 years ago

Apparently "Tl;dr" stands fro "too long; didn't read" is it this what you mean?

See https://www.howtogeek.com/435266/what-does-tldr-mean-and-how-do-you-use-it/

mbernasocchi commented 3 years ago

yes, it is pretty commonly used in blogs

mbernasocchi commented 3 years ago

@andreasneumann normally it should not be in an excerpt. I removed it now from the excerpt, and left it in the post thanks for reporting

anitagraser commented 3 years ago

Done: https://twitter.com/qgis/status/1316634157360074752

andreasneumann commented 3 years ago

yes, it is pretty commonly used in blogs

And you actually mean that? Too long, didn't read? I have no idea what this should mean in this context. The blog entry is really short - so I have no idea what this should mean in this context.

mbernasocchi commented 3 years ago

if you look at the blogpost, the tl;dr ist 1 sentence that tells you what the content of the post is. same as an executive summary.

andreasneumann commented 3 years ago

Stupid thing in my opinion. Not everyone understands such abbreviations. To me it looks like an error - like someone didn't manage to write HTML correctly.

anitagraser commented 3 years ago

I was assuming that this abbreviation has become common knowledge online but since this doesn't seem to be the case, I've removed it from the blog post.

andreasneumann commented 3 years ago

I was assuming that this abbreviation has become common knowledge online but since this doesn't seem to be the case, I've removed it from the blog post.

Well maybe I'm old fashioned - but I'm also approx. 10 years older than you guys ;-)

In any case - this blog post is so short that you don't really need a summary.

andreasneumann commented 3 years ago

Out of curiosity: I asked all of my coworkers if they knew this abbreviation - not a single person knew it.

But now that I've learned something new, I feel at least 5 years younger ;-)

andreasneumann commented 3 years ago

According to https://www.howtogeek.com/435266/what-does-tldr-mean-and-how-do-you-use-it/ you'd have to get rid of the semicolon - or you are outing yourselve as an "old" geek as well ;-)