qgis / QGIS-Django

Django project for QGIS related activities such as plugin repository
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Plugin does not show up in sites or plugin.xml while it is uploaded and visible in Django admin pages #364

Closed rduivenvoorde closed 4 months ago

rduivenvoorde commented 4 months ago


I'm contacted by the author of the "NVDB beta" plugin. That the plugin seems never approved. But I cannot find it (to approve) either, so I think it is not seen by the 'approvers'.

He uploaded the plugin, (with to me strange name 'beta'). And because it did not show up in plugins made the zip also available via: https://github.com/JACCCostring/QGISPluginNVDBv1.0/tree/master Note the repo is: https://github.com/JACCCostring/NVDBPlugin

If I log in in and search for NVDB I cannot find it: https://plugins.qgis.org/search/?q=NVDB

Because it is not approvied it's not visible in plugins.xml


But logged in in Django interface I CAN find the user and the plugin (screenies):

Screenshot from 2024-02-23 09-01-38

Screenshot from 2024-02-23 08-59-39

Is this possible? Is it an issue in the metadata.txt? I agree that putting 'beta' in the name, and using the default plugin icon, and coloring used make look it a little 'beta', but still.

Screenshot from 2024-02-23 09-09-35

Xpirix commented 4 months ago

Dear @rduivenvoorde ,

You're right, we can find unapproved plugins neither in plugins.xml nor in the search results. However, they can be found in the Unapproved list if you're logged in. The plugin NVDB beta for example is listed on the second page of that list (screenshot below).

Best regards


rduivenvoorde commented 4 months ago

Ah, thanks. Yes I can see it myself now.

I'll then ask the owner to ask for a review (and or remove the 'beta' label)

Closing this one