qgis / QGIS-Documentation

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Missing vs done Processing tests list on website #2261

Closed ghtmtt closed 6 years ago

ghtmtt commented 6 years ago


An issue has been already opened in the QGIS-Website repository (https://github.com/qgis/QGIS-Website/issues/487) but maybe cross-posting also here could be a good idea.

Me and @m-kuhn have an idea on how to enhance the visual status of the Processing Test framework.

Currently a willing person that wants to add more Processing tests have to check manually the yaml file and look for missing tests.

The idea we had is to use a script like the following one that will check all the QGIS Processing algorithms and compares that list with the algorithms with test:


What we image is a workflow like:

For the visual part what about having a list with green tick (done), red cross (missing) and - potentially - yellow dot (partially done) according to the parameter suggestion?

With a lists (for each provider!?) like these it'd super easy also to make some fancy statistics ;)

I can handle the script part, @m-kuhn the Travis one? what about the fancy javascript (that looks like a monster for me ;) )? Some js guru volunteer?

We will be happy to hear some feedbacks and maybe start a discussion.


DelazJ commented 6 years ago

@ghtmtt Not sure what the status of this proposal is but do you think it's worth keeping a duplicate issue report? In the repo cleanup process, It would be nice to keep only issues that belong to docs.

ghtmtt commented 6 years ago

unfortunately this proposal was never taken into account. I can try to resurrect it but for the moment I think we can go on and close it.

Thanks for the cleaning @DelazJ