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Adding 322 Public Domain Humanitarian SVG Icons to QGIS instillation package #168

Open MhdT opened 4 years ago

MhdT commented 4 years ago

QGIS Enhancement: Adding 322 Public Domain Humanitarian SVG Icons to QGIS instillation package

Date 2020/03/18

Author Mhd Tamer @MhdT

Contact C4ITServices@gmail.com maintainer @MhdT

Version QGIS


Adding Humanitarian SVG Icons to QGIS instillation package. This icon developed by UNOCHA and released to the public domain https://www.unocha.org/story/iconography-part-un%E2%80%99s-humanitarian-efforts-ocha-releases-new-humanitarian-icons

My Section

(optional) Insert custom sections wherever needed

Proposed Solution

Add the 322 SVG icon to QGIS instillation package. The QGIS optimized version of this SVG icons (with style parameters ) located https://github.com/MhdT/QGIS-Resources/tree/master/UNOCHA%20Humanitarian%20IconsSVG%20v2

Performance Implications

Read and load 322 small SVG file

Backwards Compatibility

Not applicable (for adding resource files)



nyalldawson commented 4 years ago

Looks great to me. I had a quick browse through the proposed svg repository and they all look nicely and correctly parameterised. It's a definite +1 from me

pcav commented 4 years ago


timlinux commented 4 years ago

Huge +1 from me too - we have been using UN-OCHA icons for many years and they are great quality, very useful icons.

haubourg commented 4 years ago

Same here ! great move

elpaso commented 4 years ago

I'm -0: shouldn't be better to distribute them through the resource sharing plugin?

MhdT commented 4 years ago

I'm -0: shouldn't be better to distribute them through the resource sharing plugin?

I understand your point clearly, but considering that I am targeting humanitarian workers who use GIS tools with minimum knowledge to produce simple maps, so you can say that I am trying to flatten the curve :) (learning curve) or minimizing number of steps required to create a map. It's worth it finding ways to make QGIS out of the box ready for humanitarian workers.

alexbruy commented 4 years ago

-0 from me. We can't include every set of icons to accommodate needs of different type of workers. There are other set of icons with good quality out there which are not part of QGIS installation.

nyalldawson commented 4 years ago

There are other set of icons with good quality out there which are not part of QGIS installation.

I'd argue that we should assess and include these by default too. The default symbol set we currently ship with qgis is really quite limited, yet I'd guess that a large percentage of our users never search beyond this and always just limit their choices to to default selection. Shipping a larger selection by default is highly desirable in my opinion*.

* So long as the symbols are of professional quality, which this set is.

haubourg commented 4 years ago

I'd argue that we should assess and include these by default too. The default symbol set we currently ship with qgis is really quite limited, yet I'd guess that a large percentage of our users never search beyond this and always just limit their choices to to default selection. Shipping a larger selection by default is highly desirable in my opinion*.

I'm with Nyall here. Our default symbol set should be a lot better without using the qgis sharing plugin - which very few users know about.