qgis / QGIS-Enhancement-Proposals

QEP's (QGIS Enhancement Proposals) are used in the process of creating and discussing new enhancements for QGIS
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New QGIS Community Proposal #229

Open esnyder-rve opened 3 years ago

esnyder-rve commented 3 years ago

QGIS Enhancement: New Community for the Community

Date 2021/07/30 Revised 2022/07/29

Author Ethan Snyder (@esnyder-rve)

Contact ethan dot snyder at rve dot com

Maintainer Ethan Snyder

Version N/A


The creation of a user-friendly community for the QGIS community.

Current Problems

QGIS has a large community (this is a good problem to have). Many of the current platforms are single-threaded and get cluttered/lost by the volume of postings. We also have a multi-faceted community with people needing help with regular QGIS usage, pyqgis scripting, plugin development, and core QGIS development just to name a few. This variety of users are being funneled into one general channel (minus the QGIS-Users and QGIS-Developers mailing lists). Plus, there are User Groups doing their own things, as well as the variety of languages the QGIS community speaks being an international community.

The current QGIS community is broken into several platforms:

The best thing about Open Source projects is the community, and as such, we need a nice place for the community to gather and help each other in a beginner/user friendly place.

Searching for a solution

What we need for such a great community is something that is:

Proposed Solution

Revolt is a FOSS alternative to Discord with completely free hosting with no feature paywalls. It's goal is to be a Discord competitor for being a feature-filled modern community chat platform. It supports:

Screenshot: Screenshot 2022-07-29 105230

Create an account for Revolt: https://revolt.chat/publicbeta To join the QGIS server: https://app.revolt.chat/invite/eRTmS1ZV

For an overview video regarding this community, please see this QGIS Open Day Session.


This QEP has been completely revised since the original posting recommending Rocket Chat.


PSC has reviewed and likes the Revolt platform. Once the community has received enough commitment and usage, it will be given official status and placed onto the QGIS site.

ambarja commented 3 years ago

It is a good idea, from my point of view I would like to be in discord, because it is more accessible for the creation of different communication spaces.

esnyder-rve commented 3 years ago

The reason I didn't choose discord is because it's not FOSS. It's free (with paid premium options), and very easy to setup and use (I'm active on several discord servers, plus I run one). There currently is an unofficial QGIS Discord Server, but some on the QGIS team want to stick with FOSS. There does exist bridge bots to bridge Discord and Rocket Chat though.

The biggest perks to Discord is that it's free, easy to setup, and people just need one login to access all other Discord servers.

skampus commented 2 years ago

I really miss the Nabble-like structuring. I see that Rocket Chat, being a chat, doesn't have the possibility to open threads or sort conversations. It's true that github is not free but it seems to me that github's Discussions are a nice way to have threads ordered and easily searchable. The existing QGIS Telegram group is quick and easy to use, but it's not the best place to start a discussion as the mailing list currently is via Nabble.

thank you for opening the discussion on this topic.


esnyder-rve commented 2 years ago

You sort of can have threads in Rocket Chat. By replying to a message, it becomes "threaded" in a way. Threaded Reply

But, yes I also miss Nabble. It was a way to have a forum and a mailing list all in one.

esnyder-rve commented 2 years ago

Also, if anyone is interested, there is an unofficial QGIS Discord server that can be used either officially, or as reference for features to discuss here. Unofficial QGIS Discord Server

strk commented 2 years ago

@esnyder-rve why you cannot connect to https://matrix.to/#/#qgis:osgeo.org ? What prevents you from joining ?