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Render layers as groups #235

Open nyalldawson opened 2 years ago

nyalldawson commented 2 years ago

QGIS Enhancement: Render layers as groups

Date 2021/10/07

Author Nyall Dawson @nyalldawson

Contact nyall.dawson@gmail.com

maintainer nyall.dawson@gmail.com

Version QGIS 3.24


While QGIS supports grouping layers within the layer tree as a means of structuring projects, these groups have no impact on how the component layers are rendered. This proposal concerns adding an option for layer groups to "Render as group", which would cause all component layers to be rendered as a single flattened object during map renders.

Rendering as a flattened group opens new possibilities for map styling, including:

Here's another image demonstrating the resultant group render of the QGIS test data using a 50% transparent group layer: image

Using a "destination out" blending mode for the airplane layer on the top of a group causes the content from the rest of the group to be "cut out" (or "masked") where the airplane point symbols are: (to be precise the opacity of the airplane layer is inverted and then applied to the content from the underlying layers):


And here's the same group when the blend mode for the airplane layer is set to "destination in" (the opacity of the airplane layer is applied directly to the underlying layers, i.e. their content is clipped to the airplane shapes):


Note that this works regardless of the layer type. Here's an example where "destination in" blend mode is applied to the airplane child layer from a group which consists of the airplane layer and a xyz basemap, with the group layer drawn on top of a standard raster layer (the aerial image):


Or let's get a bit more creative! Here's a group consisting of two child layers of the same polygon feature source. The bottom layer is drawn using a normal line pattern fill, and then the top child layer is drawn using a shapeburst fill which transitions from opaque at the polygon exteriors to transparent inside the polygon. I then set the top layer (the shapeburst) to the "destination in" blend mode, so that ONLY the opacity from the shapeburst is transferred to the line pattern fill. As a result the line pattern fill fades smoothly from the exterior to the interior of the polygon.


Here's a similar approach used to mask out a linear gradient fill from top left of the polygon to bottom right:


Effects like this are totally impossible to achieve in current QGIS versions.

This has previously been discussed here: http://lists.osgeo.org/pipermail/qgis-developer/2014-March/031884.html

Proposed Solution


A new QgsMapLayer subclass for grouped layers would be created, called QgsGroupLayer. This subclass will implement all the required pure virtual methods from QgsMapLayer, and contain in addition methods for setting and retrieving the group's child layers:

 * Sets the child \a layers contained by the group.
 * This method does not take ownership of the layers, but rather assigns them to the group. Layers should be already added to
 * the parent QgsProject wherever appropriate.
 * \see childLayers()
void setChildLayers( const QList< QgsMapLayer * > &layers );

 * Returns the child layers contained by the group.
 * \see setChildLayers()
QList< QgsMapLayer * > childLayers();

As noted above, setting the child layers for a group does NOT transfer ownership of these layers. Rather, ownership is retained by the parent QgsProject or other data structure.

Internally, QgsGroupLayer stores the list of child layers as a QList< QgsMapLayerRef > list of weak pointers. (i.e. they will be automatically nulled if a layer is deleted). This list will be written to xml as a list of the layer ID strings. When a layer is restored the list will be re-populated using the stored layer IDs, and the QgsMapLayerRef objects resolved to matching map layers in an override of QgsMapLayer::resolveReferences. E.g.:

void QgsGroupLayer::resolveReferences( QgsProject *project )
  QgsMapLayer::resolveReferences( project );
  for ( int i = 0; i < mChildren.size(); ++i )
    mChildren[i].resolve( project );

    if ( mChildren[i].layer )
      connect( mChildren[i].layer, &QgsMapLayer::repaintRequested, this, &QgsMapLayer::triggerRepaint, Qt::UniqueConnection );


A new QgsMapLayerRenderer subclass for QgsGroupLayerRenderer will be created. When a QgsGroupLayerRenderer is constructed, the following preparation steps will occur (on the main thread) for each child layer in the group:

When the QgsGroupLayerRenderer is asked to render() (e.g. on a background thread), the following steps will occur:

When rendering a map which contains group layers, ONLY the group layer should be added to the QgsMapSettings layers -- it is not necessary to also add the group children (as this would cause them to be drawn twice. Once as part of the group, and once as an individual layer!).

Impact on multi-threaded rendering

As described above, group children will always be rendered sequentially in order to correctly apply interactions between the child layer's contents. This could potentially negatively affect the rendering speed of group layers containing many children (when compared to rendering these children as individual map layers). However, the group-based rendering will be completely optional and non-default, so any performance impact will be entirely optional.

Initially, rendering of group children will NOT utilise previous cached renders of layers. This is a potential optimisation for future development however, as it may be possible in certain circumstances to utilise a previously cached child layer render when rendering a group. (Noting that the existing caching logic will still apply to the WHOLE group itself -- ie. if NONE of the group's children require a redraw then the whole group layer will just be composited from a cached copy and not re-rendered).

Interaction with layer tree and layer order panel

By default, groups created in the layer tree will remain as structural only groups and will not affect rendering operations. A user must right click a group, and from a new "group properties" dialog opt in to "Render layers as a group". (Users will also be able to set group level properties such as the group opacity, blend mode and paint effect from this dialog).

As soon as a layer tree group is set to "render layers as a group", a corresponding QgsGroupLayer will be constructed and added to the project. These are NOT user visible nor will be shown as new entities in the layer tree. Logic will be added so that the layers set for map canvases will include the group layers (and not their individual children).

When a group is set to "render layers as a group", then ONLY the group will be shown in the "layer order" panel list. Group children will NOT be visible in this order list, as their ordering is determined by the placement of the group layer.

Additional composition modes

Logic will be added so that the "masking" composition modes which are currently not exposed in QGIS will be available ONLY for layers which are children of groups. Specifically, the follow modes will added:

See the following image from the Qt docs for a visual demonstration of these modes (not that some modes will remain un-exposed, e.g. "clear", which has little discernible use!!, and source over/destination over which would instead be achieved through rearranging the order of map layers)

image image

Affected Files

New classes for QgsGroupLayer and QgsGroupLayerRenderer will be added. Logic will be added to the layer tree to handle the creation/destruction of QgsGroupLayers, and new UI classes for group layer properties will be created.

Performance Implications

Noted above

Further Considerations/Improvements


Backwards Compatibility


Issue Tracking ID(s)

https://github.com/qgis/QGIS/issues/24860 https://github.com/qgis/QGIS/issues/19648



roya0045 commented 2 years ago

I might have overlooked this point, but what will happen in the legend. Will it be a single symbol for the group or will items still be displayed individually? I guess the first option will be hard to implement and the second will cause some confusion.

esnyder-rve commented 2 years ago

I would think that this would have no impact on the legend, and that the legend will still render normally as individual items. In the case where a layer is masking out another (the airplane being used to hide an aerial to show osm underneath, the legend item may have to be manually removed from the legend unless there's a relatively easy/efficient way to 100% know that it shouldn't be in the legend.

nyalldawson commented 2 years ago

Will it be a single symbol for the group or will items still be displayed individually?

Displayed individually.

3nids commented 2 years ago

Small question regarding identifying features: will it continue to work per layer or will it need to be implemented?

3nids commented 2 years ago

sorry to come late.

the naming of QgsGroupLayer vs QgsLayerTreeGroup makes it a bit difficult in the layer tree part of the code. Have you thought about something less generic like QgsRenderingLayerGroup or it's meant to be generic ?

nyalldawson commented 2 years ago

@3nids I'd be happy with QgsGroupRenderingLayer, if you want to do the rename

3nids commented 2 years ago

ok, let's do that when you have your work merged.