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QGIS 3D FrameGraph #259

Open benoitdm-oslandia opened 1 year ago

benoitdm-oslandia commented 1 year ago

QGIS 3D FrameGraph enhancement proposal

Date 2022/11/10

Author Oslandia

maintainer @benoitdm-oslandia @ptitjano

Version QGIS 3.28



QGIS has been offering 3D functionalities for a few years. The Qt 3D library is used to provide the main 3D widgets, the 3D drawing capabilities and primitives. As QGIS was not initially designed as a 3D viewer or editor, the 3D display is offered in a dedicated map viewer called a 3D scene.

Relates to #252

FrameGraph: principle and use

A 3D scene consists of a list of objects (Points, Maps, Buildings, Meshes, etc..) which need to be drawn and updated on each user interaction. In order to perform these operations, Qt 3D stores all the relevant information in two different graphs:

The SceneGraph describes which objects need to be drawn. It stores two different information: the Entities (the objects) and the Components of each object (its material, translation or rotation operation, etc.).

On the other hand, the FrameGraph describes how to display the different objects. It can be a shadow effect, a lightning, an occlusion effet, some transparency effect, etc..

FrameGraph example
FrameGraph example with 2 render views (image from KDAB.com)

In the framegraph illustration above, the 2 branches under the Viewport node are called a render pass or a render view.

In order to achieve optimal rendering performance, QGIS 3D uses its own custom frameGraph (described in the class QgsShadowRenderingFrameGraph).

Further reading (KDAB ressources):

Current framegraph architecture

Currently, the framegraph is mainly composed of these render passes:

  1. forward pass on opaque and semi transparent objects
  2. shadow rendering pass
  3. depth buffer capture pass (enabled only when depth is needed for camera control)
  4. ambient occlusion (render and blur)
  5. post-processing pass (optional, applies effects like eye dome lightning)
  6. debugging related pass (preview of depth / shadow texture)

All theses render passes are mainly described (attributes and functions) in one class file: QgsShadowRenderingFrameGraph.

Some objects (camera, light, textures, etc.) are common to several render passes and other objects are dedicated to a specific render pass but it is difficult to distinguish them. Also, there is no responsability separation as some render passes are directly connected (by attributes) to another one (see below).

Current object dependencies graph
Current object dependencies graph


For the QGIS contributors

The main drawbacks for the 3D contributors and end user are:

All theses drawbacks reduce the ability to contribute as the learning gap is too high.

Proposed Solution

Features proposal

We would like to split this monolithic class into multiple dedicated classes in order to improve its readability and the responsability separation. This would also be a good opportunity to add some documentation for all the render pass.

To do so, we will provide a base class to handle the render pass implementations (QgsAbstractRenderView) and a manager class to handle the final framegraph assemblying (based on the existing QgsShadowRenderingFrameGraph). Also, it will be possible to create new test per renderview to ensure the product stability.

An UML representation of the new architecture is available below:

Object architecture proposal
Object architecture proposal

The abstract render view is detailed below:

QgsAbstractRenderView API
QgsAbstractRenderView API


First of all, we will add unit tests to take a snapshot of the results obtained with the current FrameGraph. This will validate the current 3D behaviors and ensure we do not create any regression when we rewrite the FrameGraph.

Once all the unit tests are written, we will refactor the existing render passes:

All the future render passes should follow this same logic and inherit from QgsAbstractRenderView.


Not Applicable

Affected Files

At least:

src/3d/CMakeLists.txt src/3d/qgs3daxis.cpp src/3d/qgs3daxis.h src/3d/qgs3daxisrenderview.cpp src/3d/qgs3daxisrenderview.h src/3d/qgs3daxissettings.h src/3d/qgs3dmapscene.cpp src/3d/qgs3dutils.cpp src/3d/qgsabstract3dengine.cpp src/3d/qgsabstractrenderview.cpp src/3d/qgsabstractrenderview.h src/3d/qgsdepthrenderview.cpp src/3d/qgsdepthrenderview.h src/3d/qgsforwardrenderview.cpp src/3d/qgsforwardrenderview.h src/3d/qgsoffscreen3dengine.cpp src/3d/qgspostprocessingentity.cpp src/3d/qgspostprocessingentity.h src/3d/qgsshadowrenderingframegraph.cpp src/3d/qgsshadowrenderingframegraph.h src/3d/qgsshadowrenderview.cpp src/3d/qgsshadowrenderview.h src/3d/qgswindow3dengine.cpp src/3d/qgswindow3dengine.h

Performance Implications

Not Applicable

Further Considerations/Improvements

Not Applicable

Backwards Compatibility

We would be iso functional with the current behaviour.

Issue Tracking and PR ID(s)


wonder-sk commented 1 year ago

Great to see this QEP and thanks for taking time to explain the rationale behind the proposal. The way how the frame graph for 3D scenes is set up right now is indeed not ideal and it is mostly myself to be blamed for that :slightly_smiling_face:

For the proposed design, I have a couple of questions:

(It would be great to have answers to these questions added to QEP description as well)

benoitdm-oslandia commented 1 year ago

Thanks @wonder-sk to review this QEP.

Great to see this QEP and thanks for taking time to explain the rationale behind the proposal. The way how the frame graph for 3D scenes is set up right now is indeed not ideal and it is mostly myself to be blamed for that slightly_smiling_face

You are not to be blamed!!! It is a great feature you have mainly brought alone in QGIS!

For the proposed design, I have a couple of questions:

in the text both "render pass" and "render view" terms are used - are you referring to the same thing, or they have different meaning? (if they are the same maybe better to use just one term?)

They are quite the same, but from the Qt 3D documentation they mainly use the term of view. The objects/classes in the current version are designed with the pass term and proposed version with the view term.

how does QgsAbstractItemRenderView define a render pass? Does it create and return frame graph nodes, or it would use some more abstract definition of the render pass? Having some draft API would help!

I added an UML diagram in the main QEP description as a base to discussions.

do I understand correctly that the QgsShadowRenderingFrameGraph class would get completely removed in favor of the frame graph manager class that would update the frame graph dynamically?

Render passes will be extracted, one by one, from the QgsShadowRenderingFrameGraph class and migrated as implementation of QgsAbstractRenderView. But we will need a class to build the whole graph and so we will keep the QgsShadowRenderingFrameGraph class for a while then we will rename it as QgsFrameGraphManager.

UML diagram - QgsFrameGraphManager is not present there at all...? QgsFrameGraphManager - this seems to be a central class to the design, would it be possible to add more details?

Not for now as we are still struggling with some render passes so the final design of the class is not known.

how would be render passes registered/unregistered? I guess it will be necessary to insert passes in the correct order somehow

Exactly, this is the why of the QgsFrameGraphManager. It will also possible to define other options to build the frame graph but this is a future feature.

how would be individual render passes merged together to a frame graph? (e.g. will there be some logic to merge shared nodes?)

A QgsAbstractRenderView implementation would have to define the root node to plug him in the main graph handled by the QgsFrameGraphManager. As well for the input and output textures.

what objects would it own and manage? e.g. cameras? viewports? layers? textures?

Each render view owns its needed members and will provide accessors for other classes. For example, the light camera is owned by the QgsShadowRenderView. We may use the Qt property system to expose this inner members.

will be the new classes (e.g. QgsAbstractItemRenderView, QgsFrameGraphManager) available in python bindings for plugins to add their render passes?

We did not focus on that point but due to the recent request on the mailing list, we should think about it.

do you have any examples of what extra render passes would get added? (e.g. the ones you are planning to add later)

We have a need to push a cross section view and we think it will need a dedicated render view.

are all render passes going to be optional, or will there be render passes that would be always on, creating some kind of fixed skeleton? (e.g. forward pass for opaque objects, post-processing pass?)

This will be discussed as the way the main graph is assembled could be anything: static, programmatic, mixed, etc.