qgis / QGIS-Hugo

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Changelog harvesting #286

Open Xpirix opened 1 week ago

Xpirix commented 1 week ago

Feature Description

From @timlinux

Can you make a tool (or check if they already made one) to harvest the changelog to QGIS-Hugo? it will be nice if you can run it multiple times to e.g. pull in updates that got made to the changelog after we already harvested it

Reference to Feature

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Xpirix commented 3 days ago

@timlinux, Please find below my understanding and the proposed approach for this feature.

Current situation

After reviewing the changelog website, the current QGIS website (qgis.org), and the QGIS-Hugo website, I observed the following:

Proposed Approach:

This strategy eliminates the need to retrieve RST files from the current website repository and manually convert them to Markdown.