qgis / QGIS-Mac-Packager

Scripts for Official QGIS MacOS Packages
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SAGA 7.3.0 Simple Filter tool Unknown option 'MODE' #93

Closed mapninja closed 3 years ago

mapninja commented 3 years ago

Looks like MODE & RADIUS Parameters changed to KERNEL_TYPE & KERNEL_RADIUS?

2020-10-20T14:27:08 INFO SAGA execution commands io_gdal 0 -TRANSFORM 1 -RESAMPLING 3 -GRIDS "/private/var/folders/f3/0prmkq7962795yfpwsmvh2100000gq/T/processing_nFuuFL/af684edd72654cfab18dfdad591f2b7a/shasta.sgrd" -FILES "/Users/maples/Downloads/L10/shasta.tif" grid_filter "Simple Filter" -INPUT "/private/var/folders/f3/0prmkq7962795yfpwsmvh2100000gq/T/processing_nFuuFL/af684edd72654cfab18dfdad591f2b7a/shasta.sgrd" -MODE 0 -METHOD 0 -RADIUS 3 -RESULT "/Users/maples/Downloads/L10/ShastaLowpass.sdat" 2020-10-20T14:27:12 INFO SAGA execution console output

         ##### ## ##### ##
         ### ### ## ###
         ### # ## ## #### # ##
         ### ##### ## # #####
         ##### # ## ##### # ##

         SAGA Version: 7.3.0

         library path: /Applications/QGISNightly.app/Contents/MacOS/lib/saga/
         library name: libio_gdal
         library : io_gdal
         tool : Import Raster
         identifier : 0
         author : O.Conrad (c) 2007 (A.Ringeler)


         Grids: No objects
         Files: "/Users/maples/Downloads/L10/shasta.tif"
         Multiple Bands Output: automatic
         Select from Multiple Bands:
         Transformation: true
         Resampling: B-Spline Interpolation

         loading: /Users/maples/Downloads/L10/shasta.tif

         Driver: GTiff

         Bands: 1

         Rows: 1416

         Columns: 1537

         loading: shasta

         Saving grid: /private/var/folders/f3/0prmkq7962795yfpwsmvh2100000gq/T/processing_nFuuFL/af684edd72654cfab18dfdad591f2b7a/shasta.sgrd...


         ##### ## ##### ##
         ### ### ## ###
         ### # ## ## #### # ##
         ### ##### ## # #####
         ##### # ## ##### # ##

         SAGA Version: 7.3.0

         Unknown option 'MODE'
         library path: /Applications/QGISNightly.app/Contents/MacOS/lib/saga/
         library name: libgrid_filter
         library : grid_filter
         tool : Simple Filter
         identifier : 0
         author : O.Conrad (c) 2003

         Usage: saga_cmd grid_filter 0 [-INPUT ] [-RESULT ] [-METHOD ] [-KERNEL_TYPE ] [-KERNEL_RADIUS ]
         -INPUT: Grid
         Grid (input)
         -RESULT: Filtered Grid
         Grid (optional output)
         -METHOD: Filter
         Available Choices:
         [0] Smooth
         [1] Sharpen
         [2] Edge
         Default: 0
         -KERNEL_TYPE: Kernel Type
         Available Choices:
         [0] Square
         [1] Circle
         Default: 1
         -KERNEL_RADIUS: Kernel Radius
         Minimum: 1
         Default: 2
nyalldawson commented 3 years ago

Not a qgis bug -- try the "saga Nextgen" plugin if you need compatibility with different saga versions

mapninja commented 3 years ago

I'm curious about this not being a QGIS bug? Maybe it's a QGIS Mac Packager bug? I mean, SAGA version 7.3 is being packaged with the nightlybuild, right?

PeterPetrik commented 3 years ago

QGIS 3.16 on macOS is packaged with PROJ6 library. To be able to compile SAGA with this version, we have packaged SAGA 7.3.0. Unfortunately, QGIS on other OS have older SAGA versions, notably OSGeo4W contains SAGA 2.3. SAGA notoriously changes the arguments and API to the algorithms (even in patch releases), and therefore it is impossible to maintain the QGIS core SAGA plugin compatible with all versions. To solve this difficult issue, we propose to use SAGA-nextGen plugin (https://plugins.qgis.org/plugins/processing_saga_nextgen) instead of the core SAGA plugin. For the long term solution, it would be best to remove the SAGA core plugin from QGIS core completely, and leave the saga processing algorithms for the QGIS community plugins.