Author Name: Bob Holcomb (Bob Holcomb)
Original Redmine Issue: 12591
Affected QGIS version: 2.8.1
Redmine category:rasters
I have an application that generates NITF files as part of a radar simulation. The files geolocate properly in 2.6, but in 2.8 they do not. In 2.8 they appear at the origin without any geographic coordinates. I suspect it's something in the file, given that I'm a novice, but seeing correct behavior in 2.6 confuses me as to what it could be.
Here is the output of gdalinfo of my file (generated from a 2.8 install):
Author Name: Bob Holcomb (Bob Holcomb) Original Redmine Issue: 12591 Affected QGIS version: 2.8.1 Redmine category:rasters
I have an application that generates NITF files as part of a radar simulation. The files geolocate properly in 2.6, but in 2.8 they do not. In 2.8 they appear at the origin without any geographic coordinates. I suspect it's something in the file, given that I'm a novice, but seeing correct behavior in 2.6 confuses me as to what it could be.
Here is the output of gdalinfo of my file (generated from a 2.8 install):