Author Name: Jakob Lanstorp (Jakob Lanstorp)
Original Redmine Issue: 14195
Redmine category:browser
Current the QGIS widget - QGIS Browser has grouping of: Project home, Home, Favorites, MSSQL, PostGIS, etc....
I will like to suggest a new group call MapBook. Is this group one can add layeritems of different source (shp, postgis, wfs, etc..) and rename the items.
This will be a very big help for inexperienced users or users not using QGIS a lot.An administrator can compose the MapBook with layers from different sources, name them with a simple name and tell the user, this is the data you can use, you don't need to look up in databases, folders or WFS.
Author Name: Jakob Lanstorp (Jakob Lanstorp) Original Redmine Issue: 14195
Redmine category:browser
Current the QGIS widget - QGIS Browser has grouping of: Project home, Home, Favorites, MSSQL, PostGIS, etc.... I will like to suggest a new group call MapBook. Is this group one can add layeritems of different source (shp, postgis, wfs, etc..) and rename the items.
This will be a very big help for inexperienced users or users not using QGIS a lot.An administrator can compose the MapBook with layers from different sources, name them with a simple name and tell the user, this is the data you can use, you don't need to look up in databases, folders or WFS.