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QGIS is a free, open source, cross platform (lin/win/mac) geographical information system (GIS)
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SAGA GIS available in new OSGeo4W installer seems incomplete #41649

Closed PedroVenancio closed 3 years ago

PedroVenancio commented 3 years ago


I was testing SAGA 7.8.1-1 now available from new OSGeo4W installer but it seems incomplete and unusable even with saga_cmd.exe or saga_gui.exe

Besides that, I wonder why not use SAGA 7.8.2 as it is a bug fix release: https://sourceforge.net/p/saga-gis/wiki/Changelog%207.8.2/

Finally, the description files available at ..\OSGeo4W64\apps\qgis-dev\python\plugins\processing\algs\saga are still the older ones, for SAGA 2.3.2. Now SAGA team is shipping the description files inside the binaries package for Windows https://sourceforge.net/projects/saga-gis/files/SAGA%20-%207/SAGA%20-%207.8.2/saga-7.8.2_x64.zip/download (saga4qgis.zip). Could this also be updated in parallel with SAGA version on OSGeo4W?

jef-n commented 3 years ago

saga_cmd dev_tools is now included and the descriptions et. al. are replaced on install (upload ongoing) It still warns about saga 7 support being unofficial.

gioman commented 3 years ago

saga_cmd dev_tools is now included and the descriptions et. al. are replaced on install (upload ongoing) It still warns about saga 7 support being unofficial.

@jef-n what versions of SAGA will be shipped with new osgeo4w installer? Only 7.* or also the very old one that we support on the current LTR?

jef-n commented 3 years ago

saga 2 doesn't support current versions of proj.

PedroVenancio commented 3 years ago

saga_cmd dev_tools is now included and the descriptions et. al. are replaced on install (upload ongoing) It still warns about saga 7 support being unofficial.

Great @jef-n !

It's also needed to replace the SagaNameDecorator.py file, with the one given by SAGA team:


On other hand, I'm testing the new version and I'm getting an io_gdal error:

io_gdal 0 -TRANSFORM 1 -RESAMPLING 3 -GRIDS "D:/Temp/processing_LqImgX/12045f9c2ae6477b98d7d621150df270/Rasterized.sgrd" -FILES "D:/Temp/processing_LqImgX/861dd24ba97f4c6984d21cad5aa91e9b/OUTPUT.tif"

imagery_segmentation "Grid Skeletonization" -INPUT "D:/Temp/processing_LqImgX/12045f9c2ae6477b98d7d621150df270/Rasterized.sgrd" -METHOD 0 -INIT_METHOD 1 -INIT_THRESHOLD 0.0 -CONVERGENCE 3 -RESULT "D:/Temp/processing_LqImgX/7641a17c0035420cad14c26c30b32ddb/RESULT.sdat" -VECTOR "D:/Temp/processing_LqImgX/e123b2cb66664c78963e32353b101575/VECTOR.shp"
C:\OSGeo4W64\bin>set SAGA=C:/OSGEO4~1/apps\saga

C:\OSGeo4W64\bin>set SAGA_MLB=C:/OSGEO4~1/apps\saga\modules


C:\OSGeo4W64\bin>call saga_cmd io_gdal 0 -TRANSFORM 1 -RESAMPLING 3 -GRIDS "D:/Temp/processing_LqImgX/12045f9c2ae6477b98d7d621150df270/Rasterized.sgrd" -FILES "D:/Temp/processing_LqImgX/861dd24ba97f4c6984d21cad5aa91e9b/OUTPUT.tif"

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SAGA Version: 7.8.2 (64 bit)

88 loaded tool libraries (775 tools):
- tin_viewer
- tin_tools
- table_tools
- table_calculus
- ta_slope_stability
- ta_profiles
- ta_preprocessor
- ta_morphometry
- ta_lighting
- ta_hydrology
- ta_compound
- ta_cliffmetrics
- ta_channels
- statistics_regression
- statistics_points
- statistics_kriging
- statistics_grid
- sim_rivflow
- sim_qm_of_esp
- sim_landscape_evolution
- sim_ihacres
- sim_hydrology
- sim_geomorphology
- sim_fire_spreading
- sim_erosion
- sim_ecosystems_hugget
- sim_cellular_automata
- sim_air_flow
- shapes_transect
- shapes_tools
- shapes_polygons
- shapes_points
- shapes_lines
- shapes_grid
- pointcloud_viewer
- pointcloud_tools
- pj_proj4
- pj_geotrans
- pj_georeference
- io_webservices
- io_virtual
- io_table
- io_shapes_dxf
- io_shapes
- io_pdal
- io_grid_image
- io_grid
- io_gps
- io_esri_e00
- imagery_tools
- imagery_svm
- imagery_segmentation
- imagery_photogrammetry
- imagery_maxent
- imagery_isocluster
- imagery_classification
- grids_tools
- grid_visualisation
- grid_tools
- grid_spline
- grid_gridding
- grid_filter
- grid_calculus_bsl
- grid_calculus
- grid_analysis
- garden_webservices
- garden_learn_to_program
- garden_games
- garden_fractals
- garden_3d_viewer
- docs_pdf
- docs_html
- dev_tools
- db_pgsql
- db_odbc
- contrib_perego
- climate_tools
- tta_tools *
- toolchains *
- terrain_analysis *
- imagery *
- group_files *
- grid_filter *
- gc_tools *
- climate_tools *
- Shapes Tools *
- Polygon Tools *
- Grid Tools *

*) tool chain libraries

Error: select a library
type -h or --help for further information

Looking at SAGA folder, io_gdal is not available: imagem

It is on SAGA default windows package: imagem

Checking saga_gui, here is the OSGeo4W version: imagem

and SAGA default windows version: imagem

So it seems that io_gdal is missing and that's the tool librarie used to import raster data to SAGA, which I suspect that will make all raster algorithms to fail inside QGIS.

gioman commented 3 years ago

saga 2 doesn't support current versions of proj.

@jef-n so I guess is ok make PR with the description files for SAGA 7.*, correct?

gioman commented 3 years ago

@jef-n so I guess is ok make PR with the description files for SAGA 7.*, correct?

@jef-n sorry it seems you already did it(?).

jef-n commented 3 years ago

@jef-n sorry it seems you already did it(?).

No, the saga team implemented a tool that produces the files - and the packaging now calls it on install to produce the files.

PedroVenancio commented 3 years ago


I've tested several SAGA raster algorithms and all fail, pointing to the missing io_gdal.

gioman commented 3 years ago

I've tested several SAGA raster algorithms and all fail, pointing to the missing io_gdal.

@PedroVenancio @jef-n this issue kind of remembers me of https://github.com/qgis/QGIS/issues/32953#issuecomment-555649562 but not sure if it is related at all.

PedroVenancio commented 3 years ago


Testing the last version available (QGIS code revision | b25fe874a), I get several issues:

2021-02-19T18:54:30     WARNING    Duplicate output OUTPUT_FILE registered for alg createrandomraster
2021-02-19T18:54:30     WARNING    Duplicate output OUTPUT_RASTER registered for alg preplandscape
2021-02-19T18:54:30     WARNING    Duplicate output OUTPUT_RASTER registered for alg landintersect
2021-02-19T18:54:30     WARNING    Duplicate output OUTPUT_FILE registered for alg landscapestat
2021-02-19T18:54:30     WARNING    Duplicate output OUTPUT_FILE registered for alg patchstat
2021-02-19T18:54:30     WARNING    Duplicate output OUTPUT_FILE registered for alg countrastercell
2021-02-19T18:54:30     WARNING    Duplicate output OUTPUT_FILE registered for alg zonalstat
2021-02-19T18:54:30     WARNING    Duplicate output OUTPUT_RASTER registered for alg zonalstat
2021-02-19T18:54:30     WARNING    Duplicate output OUTPUT_FILE registered for alg poloverlayraster
2021-02-19T18:54:30     WARNING    Duplicate output OUTPUT_FILE registered for alg queryraster
2021-02-19T18:54:30     WARNING    Duplicate output OUTPUT_RASTER registered for alg labellandscape
2021-02-19T18:54:30     WARNING    Duplicate output OUTPUT_FILE registered for alg nanalysis
2021-02-19T18:54:30     WARNING    Duplicate output OUTPUT_RASTER registered for alg incdecpatch
2021-02-19T18:54:30     WARNING    Duplicate output OUTPUT_RASTER registered for alg patchedges
2021-02-19T18:54:30     WARNING    Duplicate output OUTPUT_RASTER registered for alg minmaxpatch
2021-02-19T18:54:30     WARNING    Duplicate output OUTPUT_RASTER registered for alg closeholes
2021-02-19T18:54:30     WARNING    Duplicate output OUTPUT_RASTER registered for alg cleanlandscape
2021-02-19T18:54:47     WARNING    Invalid algorithm ID for menu: qgis:distancematrix
2021-02-19T18:54:47     WARNING    Invalid algorithm ID for menu: qgis:listuniquevalues
2021-02-19T18:54:47     WARNING    Invalid algorithm ID for menu: qgis:basicstatisticsforfields
2021-02-19T18:54:47     WARNING    Invalid algorithm ID for menu: qgis:randomselection
2021-02-19T18:54:47     WARNING    Invalid algorithm ID for menu: qgis:randomselectionwithinsubsets
2021-02-19T18:54:47     WARNING    Invalid algorithm ID for menu: qgis:randompointsinlayerbounds
2021-02-19T18:54:47     WARNING    Invalid algorithm ID for menu: qgis:randompointsinsidepolygons
2021-02-19T18:54:47     WARNING    Invalid algorithm ID for menu: qgis:regularpoints
2021-02-19T18:54:47     WARNING    Invalid algorithm ID for menu: qgis:eliminateselectedpolygons
2021-02-19T18:54:47     WARNING    Invalid algorithm ID for menu: qgis:checkvalidity
2021-02-19T18:54:47     WARNING    Invalid algorithm ID for menu: qgis:exportaddgeometrycolumns
2021-02-19T18:54:47     WARNING    Invalid algorithm ID for menu: qgis:delaunaytriangulation
2021-02-19T18:54:47     WARNING    Invalid algorithm ID for menu: qgis:voronoipolygons
2021-02-19T18:54:47     WARNING    Invalid algorithm ID for menu: qgis:linestopolygons
2021-02-19T18:54:47     WARNING    Invalid algorithm ID for menu: gdal:warpreproject
2021-02-19T18:54:47     WARNING    Invalid algorithm ID for menu: gdal:extractprojection
2021-02-19T18:54:47     WARNING    Invalid algorithm ID for menu: gdal:assignprojection
2021-02-19T18:54:47     WARNING    Invalid algorithm ID for menu: gdal:rasterize
2021-02-19T18:54:47     WARNING    Invalid algorithm ID for menu: gdal:polygonize
2021-02-19T18:54:47     WARNING    Invalid algorithm ID for menu: gdal:translate
2021-02-19T18:54:47     WARNING    Invalid algorithm ID for menu: gdal:rgbtopct
2021-02-19T18:54:47     WARNING    Invalid algorithm ID for menu: gdal:pcttorgb
2021-02-19T18:54:47     WARNING    Invalid algorithm ID for menu: gdal:contour
2021-02-19T18:54:47     WARNING    Invalid algorithm ID for menu: gdal:cliprasterbyextent
2021-02-19T18:54:47     WARNING    Invalid algorithm ID for menu: gdal:cliprasterbymasklayer
2021-02-19T18:54:47     WARNING    Invalid algorithm ID for menu: gdal:sieve
2021-02-19T18:54:47     WARNING    Invalid algorithm ID for menu: gdal:nearblack
2021-02-19T18:54:47     WARNING    Invalid algorithm ID for menu: gdal:fillnodata
2021-02-19T18:54:47     WARNING    Invalid algorithm ID for menu: gdal:proximity
2021-02-19T18:54:47     WARNING    Invalid algorithm ID for menu: gdal:griddatametrics
2021-02-19T18:54:47     WARNING    Invalid algorithm ID for menu: gdal:gridaverage
2021-02-19T18:54:47     WARNING    Invalid algorithm ID for menu: gdal:gridinversedistance
2021-02-19T18:54:47     WARNING    Invalid algorithm ID for menu: gdal:gridnearestneighbor
2021-02-19T18:54:47     WARNING    Invalid algorithm ID for menu: gdal:aspect
2021-02-19T18:54:47     WARNING    Invalid algorithm ID for menu: gdal:hillshade
2021-02-19T18:54:47     WARNING    Invalid algorithm ID for menu: gdal:roughness
2021-02-19T18:54:47     WARNING    Invalid algorithm ID for menu: gdal:slope
2021-02-19T18:54:47     WARNING    Invalid algorithm ID for menu: gdal:tpitopographicpositionindex
2021-02-19T18:54:47     WARNING    Invalid algorithm ID for menu: gdal:triterrainruggednessindex
2021-02-19T18:54:47     WARNING    Invalid algorithm ID for menu: gdal:buildvirtualraster
2021-02-19T18:54:47     WARNING    Invalid algorithm ID for menu: gdal:merge
2021-02-19T18:54:47     WARNING    Invalid algorithm ID for menu: gdal:gdalinfo
2021-02-19T18:54:47     WARNING    Invalid algorithm ID for menu: gdal:overviews
2021-02-19T18:54:47     WARNING    Invalid algorithm ID for menu: gdal:tileindex
PedroVenancio commented 3 years ago

No models, scripts, GDAL, GRASS, SAGA providers ...


jef-n commented 3 years ago

Fixed in jef-n/OSGeo4W@647edd972477f2

gioman commented 3 years ago

No, the saga team implemented a tool that produces the files - and the packaging now calls it on install to produce the files.

@jef-n I knew about those description files, but didn't know that are now pushed during packaging. So what is supposed to do if we find something wrong in one of these description files (which I already did)? We must fix them upstream? If yes, what about if the SAGA project do not what to merge/accept the fix?

jef-n commented 3 years ago

The descriptions are not pushed to git - they are created on install with saga_cmd dev_tools. I didn't follow closely how SAGA support in processing is maintained, I thought there was an (external) plugin for newer saga versions and in turn our internal saga support would eventually go away. QGIS support on the SAGA side was news to me. So this is just a temporary kludge for OSGeo4W. Not sure if we want to update the descriptions in QGIS (and remove SAGA 2 support?) or replace internal saga support with an external plugin. If SAGA wouldn't accept fixes, we could still patch the OSGeo4W package - but why wouldn't they. Anyway, either way we'd need to update a OSGeo4W package anyway - be it qgis or saga.

nyalldawson commented 3 years ago


I thought there was an (external) plugin for newer saga versions

There is, but honestly there's proven to be very little community interest in these.

and in turn our internal saga support would eventually go away

That's certainly what @alexbruy and I want to see. Have you still got work to do regarding SAGA? If you can say that getting this in shape will take up hours of your time, then I think that's the final catalyst for us to hit the kill switch...

jef-n commented 3 years ago

That's certainly what @alexbruy and I want to see. Have you still got work to do regarding SAGA? If you can say that getting this in shape will take up hours of your time, then I think that's the final catalyst for us to hit the kill switch...

Well, I gave that little thought and originally wanted to just rebuild SAGA 2. That didn't work well as it doesn't support current PROJ. Then I built SAGA 7 - because I thought "BETA_SUPPORT_VERSION" could mean that we have some support for SAGA 7. But apparently that needs new descriptions files, so I digged up saga_cmd dev_tools and a way to update the description files on install. Not sure if we're done now. The warning about SAGA 7 could trigger community interest…

PedroVenancio commented 3 years ago

That's certainly what @alexbruy and I want to see. Have you still got work to do regarding SAGA? If you can say that getting this in shape will take up hours of your time, then I think that's the final catalyst for us to hit the kill switch...

Well, I gave that little thought and originally wanted to just rebuild SAGA 2. That didn't work well as it doesn't support current PROJ. Then I built SAGA 7 - because I thought "BETA_SUPPORT_VERSION" could mean that we have some support for SAGA 7. But apparently that needs new descriptions files, so I digged up saga_cmd dev_tools and a way to update the description files on install. Not sure if we're done now. The warning about SAGA 7 could trigger for community interest…

I also think this is the best solution at this point, more or less like Orfeo Toolbox. In some way, this put some responsibility in SAGA team, that show some desire in give some support to QGIS integration, making the description files available. One problem I see is in keeping the compatibility between OSGeo4W and Linux, where the versions supported are too variable. Putting SAGA only as a plugin would solve that.

jonnyforestGIS commented 3 years ago

Hi @PedroVenancio, @jef-n, @nyalldawson , I don't know if this helps but recently when I download the last SAGA GIS for Windows I discovered that the SAGA Team have a zip folder inside of SAGA binaries called SAGA4qgis.zip with instructions to deactivate SAGA GIS default version from QGIS and activate this version changing the qgis python configuration.

This attach have the instruction they use to activate the new versions of SAGA in QGIS. saga4qgis.zip

They have a readme saying:

Adjust the interface in:

Replace the SAGA binaries in:
C:\Program Files\QGIS X.Y\apps\saga(-ltr)
C:\Program Files\QGIS X.Y\apps\qgis(-ltr)\python\plugins\processing\algs\saga(-ltr)
Adjust version in the file:

Then you need to copy the description files and the SagaNameDecorator.py from the saga4gis.zip to the right installation folder

This is for Windows example I don't know I this can be replicated for Linux. I tested and this hack works, QGIS use the new descriptions files and recognize most of the algorithms (don't test all) this hack but isn´t very friendly for a QGIS regular user.


jef-n commented 3 years ago

Hi @PedroVenancio, @jef-n, @nyalldawson , I don't know if this helps but recently when I download the last SAGA GIS for Windows I discovered that the SAGA Team have a zip folder inside of SAGA binaries called SAGA4qgis.zip with instructions to deactivate SAGA GIS default version from QGIS and activate this version changing the qgis python configuration.

um, see @PedroVenancio's initial comment.

jonnyforestGIS commented 3 years ago

Hi @jef-n , I spoke with Pedro and realized that he already mention this. Sorry for the noise.

PedroVenancio commented 3 years ago


Testing the last version available (QGIS code revision | b25fe87), I get several issues:

2021-02-19T18:54:30     WARNING    Duplicate output OUTPUT_FILE registered for alg createrandomraster
2021-02-19T18:54:30     WARNING    Duplicate output OUTPUT_RASTER registered for alg preplandscape
2021-02-19T18:54:30     WARNING    Duplicate output OUTPUT_RASTER registered for alg landintersect
2021-02-19T18:54:30     WARNING    Duplicate output OUTPUT_FILE registered for alg landscapestat
2021-02-19T18:54:30     WARNING    Duplicate output OUTPUT_FILE registered for alg patchstat
2021-02-19T18:54:30     WARNING    Duplicate output OUTPUT_FILE registered for alg countrastercell
2021-02-19T18:54:30     WARNING    Duplicate output OUTPUT_FILE registered for alg zonalstat
2021-02-19T18:54:30     WARNING    Duplicate output OUTPUT_RASTER registered for alg zonalstat
2021-02-19T18:54:30     WARNING    Duplicate output OUTPUT_FILE registered for alg poloverlayraster
2021-02-19T18:54:30     WARNING    Duplicate output OUTPUT_FILE registered for alg queryraster
2021-02-19T18:54:30     WARNING    Duplicate output OUTPUT_RASTER registered for alg labellandscape
2021-02-19T18:54:30     WARNING    Duplicate output OUTPUT_FILE registered for alg nanalysis
2021-02-19T18:54:30     WARNING    Duplicate output OUTPUT_RASTER registered for alg incdecpatch
2021-02-19T18:54:30     WARNING    Duplicate output OUTPUT_RASTER registered for alg patchedges
2021-02-19T18:54:30     WARNING    Duplicate output OUTPUT_RASTER registered for alg minmaxpatch
2021-02-19T18:54:30     WARNING    Duplicate output OUTPUT_RASTER registered for alg closeholes
2021-02-19T18:54:30     WARNING    Duplicate output OUTPUT_RASTER registered for alg cleanlandscape
2021-02-19T18:54:47     WARNING    Invalid algorithm ID for menu: qgis:distancematrix
2021-02-19T18:54:47     WARNING    Invalid algorithm ID for menu: qgis:listuniquevalues
2021-02-19T18:54:47     WARNING    Invalid algorithm ID for menu: qgis:basicstatisticsforfields
2021-02-19T18:54:47     WARNING    Invalid algorithm ID for menu: qgis:randomselection
2021-02-19T18:54:47     WARNING    Invalid algorithm ID for menu: qgis:randomselectionwithinsubsets
2021-02-19T18:54:47     WARNING    Invalid algorithm ID for menu: qgis:randompointsinlayerbounds
2021-02-19T18:54:47     WARNING    Invalid algorithm ID for menu: qgis:randompointsinsidepolygons
2021-02-19T18:54:47     WARNING    Invalid algorithm ID for menu: qgis:regularpoints
2021-02-19T18:54:47     WARNING    Invalid algorithm ID for menu: qgis:eliminateselectedpolygons
2021-02-19T18:54:47     WARNING    Invalid algorithm ID for menu: qgis:checkvalidity
2021-02-19T18:54:47     WARNING    Invalid algorithm ID for menu: qgis:exportaddgeometrycolumns
2021-02-19T18:54:47     WARNING    Invalid algorithm ID for menu: qgis:delaunaytriangulation
2021-02-19T18:54:47     WARNING    Invalid algorithm ID for menu: qgis:voronoipolygons
2021-02-19T18:54:47     WARNING    Invalid algorithm ID for menu: qgis:linestopolygons
2021-02-19T18:54:47     WARNING    Invalid algorithm ID for menu: gdal:warpreproject
2021-02-19T18:54:47     WARNING    Invalid algorithm ID for menu: gdal:extractprojection
2021-02-19T18:54:47     WARNING    Invalid algorithm ID for menu: gdal:assignprojection
2021-02-19T18:54:47     WARNING    Invalid algorithm ID for menu: gdal:rasterize
2021-02-19T18:54:47     WARNING    Invalid algorithm ID for menu: gdal:polygonize
2021-02-19T18:54:47     WARNING    Invalid algorithm ID for menu: gdal:translate
2021-02-19T18:54:47     WARNING    Invalid algorithm ID for menu: gdal:rgbtopct
2021-02-19T18:54:47     WARNING    Invalid algorithm ID for menu: gdal:pcttorgb
2021-02-19T18:54:47     WARNING    Invalid algorithm ID for menu: gdal:contour
2021-02-19T18:54:47     WARNING    Invalid algorithm ID for menu: gdal:cliprasterbyextent
2021-02-19T18:54:47     WARNING    Invalid algorithm ID for menu: gdal:cliprasterbymasklayer
2021-02-19T18:54:47     WARNING    Invalid algorithm ID for menu: gdal:sieve
2021-02-19T18:54:47     WARNING    Invalid algorithm ID for menu: gdal:nearblack
2021-02-19T18:54:47     WARNING    Invalid algorithm ID for menu: gdal:fillnodata
2021-02-19T18:54:47     WARNING    Invalid algorithm ID for menu: gdal:proximity
2021-02-19T18:54:47     WARNING    Invalid algorithm ID for menu: gdal:griddatametrics
2021-02-19T18:54:47     WARNING    Invalid algorithm ID for menu: gdal:gridaverage
2021-02-19T18:54:47     WARNING    Invalid algorithm ID for menu: gdal:gridinversedistance
2021-02-19T18:54:47     WARNING    Invalid algorithm ID for menu: gdal:gridnearestneighbor
2021-02-19T18:54:47     WARNING    Invalid algorithm ID for menu: gdal:aspect
2021-02-19T18:54:47     WARNING    Invalid algorithm ID for menu: gdal:hillshade
2021-02-19T18:54:47     WARNING    Invalid algorithm ID for menu: gdal:roughness
2021-02-19T18:54:47     WARNING    Invalid algorithm ID for menu: gdal:slope
2021-02-19T18:54:47     WARNING    Invalid algorithm ID for menu: gdal:tpitopographicpositionindex
2021-02-19T18:54:47     WARNING    Invalid algorithm ID for menu: gdal:triterrainruggednessindex
2021-02-19T18:54:47     WARNING    Invalid algorithm ID for menu: gdal:buildvirtualraster
2021-02-19T18:54:47     WARNING    Invalid algorithm ID for menu: gdal:merge
2021-02-19T18:54:47     WARNING    Invalid algorithm ID for menu: gdal:gdalinfo
2021-02-19T18:54:47     WARNING    Invalid algorithm ID for menu: gdal:overviews
2021-02-19T18:54:47     WARNING    Invalid algorithm ID for menu: gdal:tileindex

@jef-n I'm still seeing this error in qgis-rel-dev 3.18.0-6-2d3150d0-1 (code revision | 2d3150d0). Seems fixed in all other versions, including 3.18.0-5 (code revision | bdef9fb3).

PedroVenancio commented 3 years ago

Perfect @jef-n , fixed on QGIS code revision | 981c306f