Open JohnProv opened 3 years ago
This is still valid on QGIS 3.22.3.
The problem described in this bug isn't fixed completely with #52096. For the categorized renderer it works well, but not for the rule-based renderer. Please fix that also. See
See the differences between categorised rendering and rule rendering below.
Categorised rendering, this looks good:
Rule rendering, this doesn't look good:
(Example: knooppunt Deil, © map data: OpenStreetMap-contributors)
I had a look at the code to see why this is not working in the rule rendering. The rule based renderer reports that it doesn't support the QgsFeatureRenderer::SymbolLevels
capability which makes the rendering take a completely different code path. Obviously it does support symbol levels, but the different code path implements that in a different way. I don't know whether this is just historic and the code could be joined or if there is a reason for the different paths. I'd be happy to work on that some more, but just implementing this feature a second time in the other code paths seems not like a good idea to me.
Maybe somebody with more experience with this code has an idea why these two code paths are there and what to do about it? @m-kuhn
Describe the bug 'Control feature rendering order' should have precedence over symbol levels. Now it isn't possible to create a map with for example correct road outlines and have roads in the correct order (bridge over road etc.). For a detailed description and examples, see:
How to Reproduce
Additional context Please let me know if there are other possibilities to achieve the desired effect that I don't know.