Open TobiasRosskopf opened 1 year ago
What generates the row number is a standard iterator that iterate on feature based on the standard order, to fix this the same ordering&filtering as the attribute table would have to be applied to the feature request to have the same row order as viewed in the attribute table.
I can see how this can be seen as a bug.
What is the bug or the crash?
If I use the expression
in the attribute table of a vector layer it does not return the actual row number like expected when sorted on an other field. Instead it has the same behaviour like@id
.Steps to reproduce the issue
QGIS-Version 3.28.6-Firenze QGIS-Codeversion 868c9fa03b Qt-Version 5.15.3 Python-Version 3.9.5 GDAL-Version 3.6.4 PROJ-Version 9.2.0 EPSG-Registraturdatenbankversion v10.082 (2023-02-06) GEOS-Version 3.11.2-CAPI-1.17.2 SQLite-Version 3.41.1 PDAL-Version 2.5.2 PostgreSQL-Client-Version unknown SpatiaLite-Version 5.0.1 QWT-Version 6.1.6 QScintilla2-Version 2.13.1 BS-Version Windows 10 Version 2009
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