qgis / QGIS

QGIS is a free, open source, cross platform (lin/win/mac) geographical information system (GIS)
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Undetailled depiction of elevation profile in print composer #55880

Open Barsch246 opened 6 months ago

Barsch246 commented 6 months ago

What is the bug or the crash?

We have created a point cloud with 261.575.843 points from a drone flight and loaded it into QGIS (photogrammetry via opendronemap). The cross-section can be displayed well using the elevation profile view tool. In print composer, however, only a fraction of the points displayed in the elevation profile view window are shown. The width of the profile and the number of points tapped are identical in both cases. The same applies to the tolerance. No way has been found to generate a higher point density in the print composer.

Steps to reproduce the issue

  1. Go to 'Profile Elevation View'
  2. Select Layer and tolerance

elevation profile view

  1. Go to 'New Print Layout'
  2. Click on 'Add Profile Elevation View'
  3. Select same Layer and tolerance

print composer

  1. See error


QGIS-Version | 3.34.0-Prizren QGIS-Codeversion | ffbdd678812 Qt-Version | 5.15.3 Python-Version | 3.10.12 GDAL-Version | 3.4.1 PROJ-Version | 8.2.1 EPSG-Registraturdatenbankversion | v10.041 (2021-12-03) GEOS-Version | 3.10.2-CAPI-1.16.0 SQLite-Version | 3.37.2 PDAL-Version | 2.3.0 PostgreSQL-Client-Version | 14.9 (Ubuntu 14.9-0ubuntu0.22.04.1) SpatiaLite-Version | 5.0.1 QWT-Version | 6.1.4 QScintilla2-Version | 2.11.6 BS-Version | Ubuntu 22.04.3 LTS

Supported QGIS version

New profile

Additional context

The language used to run QGIS in this case isn't english. The names of the tools were simply translated and might vary from the original terms.

rogerjames99 commented 5 months ago

I am also seeing this bug on Prizen with DTM and DSM rasters.