Closed wonder-sk closed 6 days ago
Download Windows builds of this PR for testing. Debug symbols for this build are available here. (Built from commit 61ea8295bc1a86496f8c402dc5c0503d882e45f7)
Download Windows Qt6 builds of this PR for testing. (Built from commit 61ea8295bc1a86496f8c402dc5c0503d882e45f7)
@wonder-sk this is marked as a draft -- is it ready for a review as is?
@nyalldawson yeah I think it is good for review now - originally I wanted to include automatic origin shifts in the PR, but it has already enough content on its own, so I would do the automatic shifts as a followup...
This introduces a new class QgsGeoTransform (derived from QTransform) that keeps chunk's translation vector as a QgsVector3D (i.e. in double coordinates) and if there is a shift of the origin, 3D map scene and chunk entities react to it by adjusting the underlying QTransform.