qgis / qwc2-demo-app

QWC2 demo application
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Timemanager plugin improvements #491

Open danceb opened 8 months ago

danceb commented 8 months ago

In QGIS there are to different options for filtering and displaying time related data: On the one hand by defining time steps and accessing them via clicking in the time bar or via an animation. And on the other hand filtering the features in a fix time range. Would be nice, to get the second option also in qwc2. With this it should be possible to get the features whose time periods overlap the defined period by start and end value.

An option for the UI could be, to replace the "Temportal navigation" switch with three buttons like in QGIS with the options "disabled", "fixed range" and "animation" (not the final labels). grafik With "disabled" "start", "end" and the time bar are disabled, "fixed range" activates only the start and end fields and with "animation" also the time bar at the bottom would appear.

Is this a feature, which could be handled with less effort or is it more time consuming? Thanks for any thoughts on this.

manisandro commented 8 months ago

I'd see the second option part of a generic plugin to set the WMS FILTER parameter, which I believe is a feature which has already been requested a number of times.