I'm trying to automatically generating the themes config according to the documentation. I uploaded the .qgs file and all file based resources into the scanfolder. However, I get the following error in the Admin UI:
Service configurations generated:
INFO: Config destination: '/srv/qwc_service/config-out/default'
INFO: Searching for projects files in /data/scan
INFO: Adding project /data/scan/test-project.qgs
INFO: Searching for print layouts /layouts
INFO: Reading theme /ows/qwc_demo
CRITICAL: Could not get WMS GetProjectSettings from http://test-project-qwc-qgis-server/ows/qwc_demo:
b'\nProject file error. For OWS services: please provide a SERVICE and a MAP parameter pointing to a valid QGIS project file\n'
CRITICAL: Could not find QGS project 'qwc_demo.qgs'
INFO: Reading theme /ows/scan/test-project
INFO: Downloaded WMS GetProjectSettings from http://test-project-qwc-qgis-server/ows/scan/test-project
INFO: Read 'scan/test-project.qgs'
INFO: Generating 'ogc' service config
INFO: Generating 'mapViewer' service config
INFO: Using WMS GetMap to generate thumbnail for scan/test-project
ERROR: ERROR generating thumbnail for WMS scan/test-project:
HTTPConnectionPool(host='test-project-qwc-qgis-server', port=80): Read timed out. (read timeout=10)
WARNING: Skipping unused background layer mapnik
WARNING: Skipping unused background layer bluemarble
INFO: Copying 'index.html' to tenant dir
INFO: Generating 'featureInfo' service config
INFO: Generating 'print' service config
INFO: Generating 'search' service config
INFO: Generating 'adminGui' service config
INFO: Generating 'dbAuth' service config
INFO: Generating 'elevation' service config
INFO: Generating 'mapinfo' service config
INFO: Generating 'permalink' service config
INFO: Generating 'data' service config
INFO: Generating 'legend' service config
CRITICAL: A critical error occurred while processing the configuration.
CRITICAL: The configuration files were not updated!
INFO: Generating 'ogc' service permissions
INFO: Generating 'mapViewer' service permissions
INFO: Generating 'featureInfo' service permissions
INFO: Generating 'print' service permissions
INFO: Generating 'search' service permissions
INFO: Generating 'adminGui' service permissions
INFO: Generating 'dbAuth' service permissions
INFO: Generating 'elevation' service permissions
INFO: Generating 'mapinfo' service permissions
INFO: Generating 'permalink' service permissions
INFO: Generating 'data' service permissions
INFO: Generating 'legend' service permissions
CRITICAL: A critical error occurred while processing the configuration.
CRITICAL: The permission files were not updated!
In the Docker logs I get the following errors from QGIS Server:
qwc-qgis-server | Warning 4: Failed to open /data/scan/Shapefiles/windkraft/VRW_RPKS.shp: Read-only file system.
qwc-qgis-server | Warning 4: Failed to open /data/scan/fachdaten/sonstiges/naturpark.gpkg: Read-only file system.
qwc-qgis-server | Warning 4: Failed to open /data/scan/Shapefiles/versiegelungsflaechen.gpkg: Read-only file system.
It seems, there are permission problems, but I already tested it with max permissions (777) on all the files. Still QGIS server is not able to open those files. Other file formats (.tif) seem to work just fine.
I'm trying to automatically generating the themes config according to the documentation. I uploaded the .qgs file and all file based resources into the
folder. However, I get the following error in the Admin UI:In the Docker logs I get the following errors from QGIS Server:
It seems, there are permission problems, but I already tested it with max permissions (777) on all the files. Still QGIS server is not able to open those files. Other file formats (.tif) seem to work just fine.