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Problem by loading fiel data. #112

Open EnriqueProgramm opened 9 months ago

EnriqueProgramm commented 9 months ago


I am trying to make a extended period simulation. I want to give the status of the valves in every instance of the simulation. For that purpose, I am trying to load a csv with the valve settings (status) for every instance of the simulation (every 5 min). When I try to load the csv file by mean of the "load field data" function, I get the error:

"File to save field data is open by another software like QGis. Please close the file"

On the menu "Load field data", there is an option "Export the field data of the simulation period to a CSV file". The fiel is activated, and it is cannot be deactivated.



fmartine commented 7 months ago

Hello Enrique,

Thanks for alerting us to this problem. As soon as we have the opportunity we will review it, but we are trying to close version 0.17 concerning other issues. We will address this issue for the next version 0.18.