qgisred / QGISRed

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Projet materials #118

Open MikiCH76 opened 7 months ago

MikiCH76 commented 7 months ago

“Project materials” We would like to configure the "Project materials" table according to our abbreviations and roughness coefficient. Is it possible to save it? When creating a new project, we would like the qgz file to point to our custom table?

Import data SHPs When importing Valves, the form does not allow the "Setting" field to be imported.

EPSG:2056 -CH1903+/LV95 The program does not recognize this coordinate system.

Thank you very much for your work

fmartine commented 7 months ago

Dear Miki,

Thank you for reporting these three issues. I will make sure to reply to them by order.

  1. The materials table is editable, but the changes are only valid for the current project, so when creating a new project, the materials table will revert to the default materials table. We have pending development to store the default values, table of materials, etc., at the user level to reuse the table of materials when creating new projects.
    The data of a QGISRed project form a compact block, and all of them must be in the same folder. They are accessed by code and not through the qgz file, so the solution is not to point to another table but to keep a table of materials at the user level and copy it when creating a new project. For now, since the materials table is stored in the file ProjectName_materials.dbf, what you can do is copy that file edited from a previous project to the new project and change the ProjectName part of the file name (you will have to delete the default materials file created in the new project first).

  2. You are right about omitting the 'Settings' parameter when importing the valves. In principle, we did not consider importing 100% of the attributes of each element, only those related to their physical properties. The 'setting' is an operating parameter that is not part of the physical properties of the valves. However, we will reconsider this for future versions, as only about 25% of all attributes covered in the property tables were left out.
    For now, you can make a Join for the Id attribute between the table created by QGISRed after the import and the original table used in the import and transfer the values of that field with the Calculator to the QGISRed table. Then you can destroy the Join. Just to remind you, the Join is declared in the theme's properties.

  3. In the project creation dialogue from QGISRed, the CRS EPSG:2056-CH1903+/LV95 is offered, and the project is successfully created. If you open the properties of each network theme, you can see in the Information tab that the CRS is the one chosen. However, the status bar indeed shows the message 'CRS Unknown'. This is because QGIS does not recognise the format QGISRed uses to write the .prj files in 100 % of cases. In cases where it is not recognised, the problem is solved by clicking on the message in the status bar to manually choose the CRS of the visualisation map, which, in principle, must be the same one already chosen when creating the project so everything works correctly. It is possible to choose a CRS for the visualization map that is different from the CRS chosen when creating the QGISRed project. In this case, QGIS will automatically reproject the network data from the CRS of the QGISRed project to the CRS declared to visualize the map in real-time. However, the edition of any network data will always be done internally in the CRS of the QGISRed project.