qgisred / QGISRed

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QGISRed shows error when working with QGIS 3.34 #128

Closed Phatta-Thapa closed 3 months ago

Phatta-Thapa commented 3 months ago

QGISRed generated the following error when trying to make a new model or trying to run existing models:

TypeError: QgsLineSymbolLayer.setWidthUnit(): argument 1 has unexpected type 'int'

But with earlier version such as 3.28 it is working fine, no such error.

Does that mean QGISRed is not compatible with the newer version? Is there any solution for this problem?

Thank you in advance. Phatta Thapa

fmartine commented 3 months ago

Please download the new beta version 0.16.11 following the instructions given in issue #126

Phatta-Thapa commented 3 months ago

Thank you @fmartine, that solved the problem.