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Interpolate elevation from asc file #75

Closed hyperprogram2 closed 2 years ago

hyperprogram2 commented 2 years ago


When I try to interpolate elevation from an asc file, an error occurs :

2021-11-19T10:09:18 CRITICAL Error : at System.Number.ParseDouble(String value, NumberStyles options, NumberFormatInfo numfmt) at GISRed.Model.Scenario.GetElevationsFromAsci(IReadOnlyCollection1 rutasAsci, List1 elementosPuntuales, Logger logger, Boolean messByNode) at GISRed.QGisPlugins.QGisPlugins.ElevationInterpolation(String dirPath, String networkName, String tempFolder, String elevationFiles)

An example of the network and the asc fil I use are attached here : TEST.zip

What's wrong with these files ?

I use Qgis 3.16.1 and Qgisred 0.14.3


neslerel commented 2 years ago

HI @hyperprogram2,

I'll try to review what's going on and get back to you.

neslerel commented 2 years ago

Sorry @hyperprogram2,

This time I can't replicate your error. zAYJgt2wjT

I don't know if I made something different to you. I importes your attached shapefile and QGISRed created the model. Then, I tried to interpolate elevations with the asc file and it worked fine. I tested with different decimal separator symbol, but nothing occured. Some idea?

hyperprogram2 commented 2 years ago

Hello, I dont' know what happens :



neslerel commented 2 years ago

Could you try to test it in other computer? Maybe is some Windows configuration... I don' know...

hyperprogram2 commented 2 years ago


I tried on another computer and it works. I tried on my computer after switching the decimal separator symbol from "," to "." and it works.

So : No bug.

Thank you and sorry

neslerel commented 2 years ago

I think it is a bug, of course. I changed the separator symbol from "." to "," but didn't fail to me. I'll try again.

Thanks @hyperprogram2 for confirming it.

neslerel commented 2 years ago

Hi @hyperprogram2,

Can you send me a screenshot of your Region settings (where you changed the decimal separator symbol)? I want to see if there is any other thing that could be the cause of the issue.


neslerel commented 2 years ago

And another question... What language do you have Windows in?

hyperprogram2 commented 2 years ago

My settings are :



On the other computer, where interpolation works, it is also configured with '." as decimal separator

neslerel commented 2 years ago

I fix the problem!! Thanks for the screenshots. The cause was with the space separator for "digit separation symbol".

hyperprogram2 commented 2 years ago

Hello, I tried the 0.14.4 version with the same input data (TEST.zip) but I still have an error with comma as decimal separator while it works with dot as decimal separator. No change with the digit separation symbol (space or dot or comma)


hyperprogram2 commented 2 years ago

It's OK with 0.14.4. It works