qgisred / QGISRed

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Can't open or import a project because a "ghost" project is still there #91

Open PMHYDRO opened 1 year ago

PMHYDRO commented 1 year ago

Hello, I have a saved QGIS project on which I have already used QGISRed for two separate models. I am trying to import another version of one of those models while keeping the non-QGISRed layers (mainly the background map), then QGISRed tells me I need to close the current QGIS project. After looking into it, it seems that it is considered as if I have a QGISRed project already opened. I have looked through my layers and no QGISRed layer is active. The network summary tells me there are no pipes and no junctions. The project manager is similarly empty. I have gone to the temp folder and removed any QGISRed folders there to try and ensure there was nothing open, yet still get the same result. I am working with QGISRed version 0.16 and QGIS version 3.16.11.

My question is, how can I remove this "ghost" project so I can import another without having to create a new QGIS project? Having to add the background map layers to the new project with all the styles and groups of layers would be quite troublesome.

See below screenshots of the summary report and of the project manager.

image image

neslerel commented 1 year ago


Thanks for your message. We will take a look. Could you add some screenshots of QGis window?