Open simonePasi opened 6 years ago
I am having the same problem. Did you ever manage to find a solution??
not yet!!!!
Hello, did you solve this problem? Or are you able to use pupil in ros environment? Get the topics it publishs.
Hello, had you solved this problem? I can't see the topics published.
Need to rewrite code
Hello, I have coded the subscription and the publication but I can't get them to publish anything...
# Connection
# Request 'SUB_PORT' for reading data
sub_port = zmq_req.recv_string()
# Open a sub port to listen to pupil
zmq_sub = context.socket(zmq.SUB)
zmq_sub.connect("tcp://{}:{}".format(addr, sub_port))
# set zmq subscriptions to topics
zmq_sub.setsockopt_string(zmq.SUBSCRIBE, u'')
image_world_s = rospy.Subscriber('pupil_capture/world', Image, self.callback_world, queue_size=20)
Could you help me, please? Greetings,
I can't see the pupil_ros_plugin in the plugin manager of pupil_capture. The plugin is correctly copied in the plugin directory in my home.