qiboteam / qibocal

Quantum calibration, characterization and validation module for Qibo.
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Lightweight routines creation for external implementors #878

Open alecandido opened 3 weeks ago

alecandido commented 3 weeks ago

With the API enhancement (and possible transitioning) it becomes more relevant to accept external contributions, similarly to the actual plugins depicted in #508.


Updating the platform should mainly be done as a consequence of some actual routine (and a fit), to proper document the update and the motivations behind. But we could leave this consideration to the user, and expose even this.


In order to ease the definition of partial routines, we could make specialized Routine constructors, restricted to individual components. Despite we could follow this approach, I would mostly keep internal, or for more structured library extensions. Instead, I'd expose a functional API to the user, similar to the following one:

from qibocal.routines import acquire, fit, plot, update

# Acquisition require a function, because it could depend on some parameters only known by
# the executor
def my_acquisition(platform, execution_parameters):
    return acquired_data

# or, if it is fully independent on platform and parameters, just pass a sequence
my_sequence = ...

# If the fit also needs to acquire, we need a proper routine, so the following function is
# only to store fit results in the history
fit_results = ...

# As for fitting, if plotting requires access to a specific fit results, or certain acquired
# data, a proper routine is needed - while this function is only to register results for the
# report to show them
plots_and_tables = ...

# Update as well is subject to the same remark of fit and plot, and the function is just to
# give access to platforms modification
some_parameters_update = ...

All the previous functions should also accept a name, and optionally further metadata, to use them as names of the folders and in the report. Being Python, we have a certain introspection available, so we could otherwise extract the name from the name of the variable (in case of functions, we could even extract the docstring).