This pull request is intended to be a starting point for more extensive metadata merging support in QIIME 2. This PR depends on
Add support for merging metadata that contains overlapping ids, overlapping columns, neither overlapping ids nor overlapping columns, but not both overlapping ids an overlapping columns (because then there could be conflicts in column values for specific samples, which gets considerably more complex to handle). The result will be the union (i.e., outer join) of the ids and columns from the two metadata inputs.
This action currently only works on two metadata inputs at a time as providing an arbitrary number of metadata files at once would trigger the built-in metadata merging functionality (which would intersect the ids and fail on overlapping column names).
Example usage:
sample-id barcode-sequence body-site
#q2:types categorical categorical
L2S155 ACGATGCGACCA left palm
L2S175 AGCTATCCACGA left palm
L2S204 ATGCAGCTCAGT left palm
L2S222 CACGTGACATGT left palm
L3S242 ACAGTTGCGCGA right palm
L3S294 CACGACAGGCTA right palm
sample-id body-site year
#q2:types categorical numeric
L1S8 gut 2008
L1S57 gut 2009
L1S76 gut 2009
L1S105 gut 2009
$ qiime metadata merge --m-metadata1-file md1.tsv --m-metadata2-file md2.tsv --o-merged-metadata md.qza
$ qiime tools export --input-path md.qza --output-path md/
$ cat md/metadata.tsv
sample-id barcode-sequence body-site year
#q2:types categorical categorical numeric
L1S105 gut 2009
L1S57 gut 2009
L1S76 gut 2009
L1S8 gut 2008
L2S155 ACGATGCGACCA left palm
L2S175 AGCTATCCACGA left palm
L2S204 ATGCAGCTCAGT left palm
L2S222 CACGTGACATGT left palm
L3S242 ACAGTTGCGCGA right palm
L3S294 CACGACAGGCTA right palm
This pull request is intended to be a starting point for more extensive metadata merging support in QIIME 2. This PR depends on
Add support for merging metadata that contains overlapping ids, overlapping columns, neither overlapping ids nor overlapping columns, but not both overlapping ids an overlapping columns (because then there could be conflicts in column values for specific samples, which gets considerably more complex to handle). The result will be the union (i.e., outer join) of the ids and columns from the two metadata inputs.
This action currently only works on two metadata inputs at a time as providing an arbitrary number of metadata files at once would trigger the built-in metadata merging functionality (which would intersect the ids and fail on overlapping column names).
Example usage:
:Fixes #11