qilingframework / qiling

A True Instrumentable Binary Emulation Framework
GNU General Public License v2.0
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Invalid memory fetch (UC_ERR_FETCH_UNMAPPED) #850

Closed ghost closed 3 years ago

ghost commented 3 years ago

Hello! I am using the Qiling Framework for malware analysis by emulating portable executables. However, I have been getting invalid memory fetch when I am passing in Whiterose ransomware

My python code

import pefile
from qiling import *
from qiling.const import *
from capstone import *

def loader_pe(pe):
    entry_point = pe.OPTIONAL_HEADER.AddressOfEntryPoint
    data = pe.get_memory_mapped_image()[entry_point:]
    cs = Cs(CS_ARCH_X86, CS_MODE_32)
    cs.detail = True
    global rdbin
    rdbin = cs.disasm(data, 0x10000)
    return rdbin

def check_arch(pe):
    if pe.FILE_HEADER.Machine == 0x14c:
        bit = 32
    elif pe.FILE_HEADER.Machine == 0x8664:
        bit = 64
    print("[+] Sample is %s bit" % bit)
    return bit

def GetProcAddress(ql, addr, params,retrav): 

def my_sandbox(path, rootfs):
    ql = Qiling(path, rootfs, verbose=QL_VERBOSE.DEBUG)      
    ql.set_api("GetProcAddress", GetProcAddress, QL_INTERCEPT.EXIT)

file = sys.argv[-1]
if __name__ == "__main__":
    exefile = sys.argv[-1]
        exe = pefile.PE(exefile)
    except OSError as e:
    except pefile.PEFormatError as e:
    rdbin = loader_pe(exe)
    my_sandbox([exefile], "examples/rootfs/x86_windows")

Expect to show me the output of the emulation but it showed me a UC_ERR_FETCH_UNMAPPED error.

[+]     Profile: Default
[+]     Map GDT at 0x30000 with GDT_LIMIT=4096
[+]     Write to 0x30018 for new entry b'\x00\xf0\x00\x00\x00\xfeO\x00'
[+]     Write to 0x30028 for new entry b'\x00\xf0\x00\x00\x00\x96O\x00'
[+]     Write to 0x30070 for new entry b'\x00`\x00`\x00\xf6@\x00'
[+]     Write to 0x30078 for new entry b'\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\xf6@\x06'
[+]     Windows Registry PATH: examples/rootfs/x86_windows\Windows\registry
[=]     Initiate stack address at 0xfffdd000 
[=]     Loading ..\Ransomware\9614b9bc6cb2d06d261f97ba25743a89df44906e750c52398b5dbdbcb66a9415 to 0x400000
[=]     PE entry point at 0x40813e
[=]     TEB addr is 0x6000
[=]     PEB addr is 0x6044
[=]     Loading examples/rootfs/x86_windows\Windows\System32\ntdll.dll to 0x10000000
[!]     Warnings while loading examples/rootfs/x86_windows\Windows\System32\ntdll.dll:
[!]      - SizeOfHeaders is smaller than AddressOfEntryPoint: this file cannot run under Windows 8.
[!]      - AddressOfEntryPoint lies outside the sections' boundaries. AddressOfEntryPoint: 0x0
[=]     Done with loading examples/rootfs/x86_windows\Windows\System32\ntdll.dll
[=]     Loading examples/rootfs/x86_windows\Windows\System32\kernel32.dll to 0x101a3000
[=]     Done with loading examples/rootfs/x86_windows\Windows\System32\kernel32.dll
[=]     Loading examples/rootfs/x86_windows\Windows\System32\mscoree.dll to 0x10288000
[=]     Done with loading examples/rootfs/x86_windows\Windows\System32\mscoree.dll
[+]     Done with loading ..\Ransomware\9614b9bc6cb2d06d261f97ba25743a89df44906e750c52398b5dbdbcb66a9415
[+]     0x10292bd0: _CorExeMain()
[+]     ERROR: unmapped memory access at 0x0

[x]     ah      :        0x0
[x]     al      :        0x0
[x]     ch      :        0x0
[x]     cl      :        0x0
[x]     dh      :        0x0
[x]     dl      :        0x0
[x]     bh      :        0x0
[x]     bl      :        0x0
[x]     ax      :        0x0
[x]     cx      :        0x0
[x]     dx      :        0x0
[x]     bx      :        0x0
[x]     sp      :        0xd004
[x]     bp      :        0xd000
[x]     si      :        0x0
[x]     di      :        0x0
[x]     ip      :        0x0
[x]     eax     :        0x0
[x]     ecx     :        0x0
[x]     edx     :        0x0
[x]     ebx     :        0x0
[x]     esp     :        0xffffd004
[x]     ebp     :        0xffffd000
[x]     esi     :        0x0
[x]     edi     :        0x0
[x]     eip     :        0x0
[x]     cr0     :        0x11
[x]     cr1     :        0x0
[x]     cr2     :        0x0
[x]     cr3     :        0x0
[x]     cr4     :        0x0
[x]     cr5     :        0x0
[x]     cr6     :        0x0
[x]     cr7     :        0x0
[x]     cr8     :        0x0
[x]     cr9     :        0x0
[x]     cr10    :        0x0
[x]     cr11    :        0x0
[x]     cr12    :        0x0
[x]     cr13    :        0x0
[x]     cr14    :        0x0
[x]     cr15    :        0x0
[x]     st0     :        0x0
[x]     st1     :        0x0
[x]     st2     :        0x0
[x]     st3     :        0x0
[x]     st4     :        0x0
[x]     st5     :        0x0
[x]     st6     :        0x0
[x]     st7     :        0x0
[x]     ef      :        0x0
[x]     cs      :        0x1b
[x]     ss      :        0x28
[x]     ds      :        0x28
[x]     es      :        0x28
[x]     fs      :        0x73
[x]     gs      :        0x78

[x]     PC = 0x0

[=]     Start      End        Perm    Label          Image
[=]     00006000 - 0000c000   rwx     [FS/GS]
[=]     00030000 - 00031000   rwx     [GDT]
[=]     00400000 - 0040e000   rwx     [PE]           ..\Ransomware\9614b9bc6cb2d06d261f97ba25743a89df44906e750c52398b5dbdbcb66a9415
[=]     05000000 - 05001000   rwx     [heap]
[=]     06000000 - 0c000000   rwx     [FS/GS]
[=]     10000000 - 101a3000   rwx     ntdll.dll      examples/rootfs/x86_windows\Windows\System32\ntdll.dll
[=]     101a3000 - 10288000   rwx     kernel32.dll   examples/rootfs/x86_windows\Windows\System32\kernel32.dll
[=]     10288000 - 102ed000   rwx     mscoree.dll    examples/rootfs/x86_windows\Windows\System32\mscoree.dll
[=]     fffdd000 - ffffe000   rwx     [stack]
[x]     Error: PC(0x0) Unreachable
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "C:\Users\VMadmin\Desktop\qiling\malwareAna.py", line 45, in <module>
    my_sandbox([exefile], "examples/rootfs/x86_windows")
  File "C:\Users\VMadmin\Desktop\qiling\malwareAna.py", line 31, in my_sandbox
  File "C:\Users\VMadmin\Desktop\qiling\qiling\core.py", line 755, in run
  File "C:\Users\VMadmin\Desktop\qiling\qiling\os\windows\windows.py", line 188, in run
    self.ql.emu_start(self.ql.loader.entry_point, self.exit_point, self.ql.timeout, self.ql.count)
  File "C:\Users\VMadmin\Desktop\qiling\qiling\core.py", line 896, in emu_start
    self.uc.emu_start(begin, end, timeout, count)
  File "C:\Users\VMadmin\AppData\Local\Programs\Python\Python39\lib\site-packages\unicorn\unicorn.py", line 341, in emu_start
    raise UcError(status)
unicorn.unicorn.UcError: Invalid memory fetch (UC_ERR_FETCH_UNMAPPED)

Any help will be appreciated!

wtdcode commented 3 years ago

Seems related to #833