qimingweng / static-render-webpack-plugin

Generates a series of static routes for a website, given an array of routes
MIT License
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update browser history (address bar) with webpack-dev-server #7

Open oojacoboo opened 8 years ago

oojacoboo commented 8 years ago

Is there a way to update the address bar with the current url when using webpack-dev-server? It's a bit frustrating not knowing what the actual url is of the page you're currently on.

qimingweng commented 8 years ago

I don't understand this question?

oojacoboo commented 8 years ago

I get this bar across the top of the page. It's wrapping the output HTML within an iframe which is suppressing changes to the url address in the browser's address bar.


It could be that this is unrelated to this plugin. Honestly, I'm not quite sure. I thought it was part of webpack-dev-server at first, but I can't find anything on it. This shows when running webpack-dev-server.

qimingweng commented 8 years ago

This is completely unrelated to this plugin... but maybe part of redux dev tools or something like that? What other tools are you using?

oojacoboo commented 8 years ago

Hmm, yea I thought that may be the case - don't think it's redux though, not using that for this project.

"devDependencies": {
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