qimingyu1113 / learntofly

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无人机的朝向 #1

Open qmy1113 opened 4 weeks ago

qmy1113 commented 4 weeks ago


qmy1113 commented 4 weeks ago
def compute_reward(self):
    alive_bonus = 400.0

    # 设置固定方向
    desired_direction = np.array([0.0, 1.0, 0.0])  # 例如,这里设置为朝向x轴正方向

    vel_local = self.calc_local_velocity(self.rigid_body.rpy[2], self.rigid_body.velocity)

    vel_cost = 50.0 * np.square((vel_local - self.target[0:3])).sum()

    orientation_cost = 150.0 * np.square(self.wrap2PI(self.rigid_body.rpy[2] - np.arctan2(desired_direction[1], desired_direction[0])))

    control_cost = 0.2 * np.square(self.last_action).sum()

    omega_cost = 5.0 * np.square(self.rigid_body.omega).sum()

    I_cost = 6.0 * np.square(self.I_error).sum()
    # I_cost = 0.0

    reward = (alive_bonus - control_cost - vel_cost - orientation_cost - omega_cost - I_cost) * self.dt

    if self.reward_his is None:
        self.reward_his = np.array([control_cost, vel_cost, orientation_cost, omega_cost, I_cost]) * self.dt
        self.reward_his += np.array([control_cost, vel_cost, orientation_cost, omega_cost, I_cost]) * self.dt

    return reward


qimingyu1113 commented 4 weeks ago



qimingyu1113 commented 4 weeks ago
def compute_reward(self):
    alive_bonus = 400.0

    # 设置固定方向
    desired_direction = np.array([0.0, 1.0, 0.0])  # 例如,这里设置为朝向x轴正方向

    vel_local = self.calc_local_velocity(self.rigid_body.rpy[2], self.rigid_body.velocity)

    vel_cost = 50.0 * np.square((vel_local - self.target[0:3])).sum()

    orientation_cost = 150.0 * np.square(self.wrap2PI(self.rigid_body.rpy[2] - np.arctan2(desired_direction[1], desired_direction[0])))

    control_cost = 0.2 * np.square(self.last_action).sum()

    omega_cost = 5.0 * np.square(self.rigid_body.omega).sum()

    I_cost = 6.0 * np.square(self.I_error).sum()
    # I_cost = 0.0

    reward = (alive_bonus - control_cost - vel_cost - orientation_cost - omega_cost - I_cost) * self.dt

    if self.reward_his is None:
        self.reward_his = np.array([control_cost, vel_cost, orientation_cost, omega_cost, I_cost]) * self.dt
        self.reward_his += np.array([control_cost, vel_cost, orientation_cost, omega_cost, I_cost]) * self.dt

    return reward



qmy1113 commented 4 weeks ago

import rotor from rotor import Rotor import wing from wing import Wing from Utils import rigid_body from Utils import euler_angle

import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET import math import gym from gym import spaces, logger from gym.utils import seeding import numpy as np from pyquaternion import Quaternion import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import seaborn as sns

def warp_PI(radians): res = np.zeros(len(radians)) for i in range(len(radians)): res[i] = radians[i] while res[i] < -math.pi: res[i] += 2.0 math.pi while res[i] > math.pi: res[i] -= 2.0 math.pi return res

class Hybrid3DEnv(gym.Env): def init(self, data_folder, config_file, play): self.render_filename = None self.mass = None self.inertia_tensor = None self.rotors = [] self.wing = None

    # initialize constant value
    self.gravity = np.array([0, 0, 9.8])
    self.dt_mean = 0.01
    self.dt_std = 0.005
    self.total_iter = 2000

    # parse xml config file
    self.parse_config_file(data_folder + config_file)

    # construct rendering environment
    if play:
        from mujoco_rendering_env import mujoco_env
        self.render_env = mujoco_env.MujocoEnv(model_path = data_folder + self.render_filename)
        self.render_env = None
    self.render_intervel = int(1.0 / 50.0 / self.dt_mean)

    # self.render_env._get_viewer()

    # noise related
    self.noisy_body = True
    self.noisy_sensor = True
    self.state_noise_std = np.array([0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.005, 0.005, 0.005, 0.0005, 0.0005, 0.0005])
    self.noisy_rotor = False
    self.noisy_aerodynamics = True
    self.simulate_delay = True
    self.delay = 0.04
    self.delay_mean = 0.04
    self.delay_std = 0.01
    self.noisy_dt = True
    self.constrain_motor_output = True
    self.motor_constrain_clip = 0.4
    self.real_rotors = []
    for i in range(len(self.rotors)):
        self.real_rotors.append(Rotor(self.rotors[i].position, self.rotors[i].direction, self.rotors[i].clockwise, self.rotors[i].torque_coef))

    # integral term
    self.I_dt = self.dt_mean
    self.I_error = None

    # mass property
    self.real_mass = self.mass
    self.real_inertia_tensor = self.inertia_tensor.copy()

    # initialize rigid body
    self.rigid_body = rigid_body.RigidBody(mass = self.mass, inertia_body = self.inertia_tensor)
    self.state = None

    # train or play
    self.play = play

    # training variables
    self.iter = None
    self.epoch = 0
    self.timesofar = None
    self.target = np.zeros(4)
    self.state_his = None
    self.I_error = np.zeros(4)

    # construct action space
    self.max_thrust = 7.0
    action_low = np.ones(len(self.rotors)) * -1.0 * self.max_thrust / 2.0
    action_high = np.ones(len(self.rotors)) * self.max_thrust / 2.0
    self.action_space = spaces.Box(action_low, action_high, dtype=np.float32)

    # construct observation space
    ob = self.get_observation_vector()
    ob_low = np.ones(len(ob)) * (-np.finfo(np.float32).max)
    ob_high = np.ones(len(ob)) * (np.finfo(np.float32).max)
    self.observation_space = spaces.Box(ob_low, ob_high, dtype=np.float32)

# parse config file
def parse_config_file(self, config_file):
    xml_tree = ET.parse(config_file)
    root = xml_tree.getroot()

def parse_xml_tree(self, root):
    # parse node
    if root.tag == "render_file":
        self.render_filename = root.attrib["filename"]

    if root.tag == "mass_property":
        self.mass = float(root.attrib["mass"])
        self.inertia_tensor = self.convert_str_to_matrix(root.attrib["inertia_tensor"], 3, 3)

    if root.tag == "rotor":
        pos = self.convert_str_to_vector(root.attrib["position"], 3)
        dir = self.convert_str_to_vector(root.attrib["direction"], 3)
        clockwise = (root.attrib["clockwise"] == "1")
        torque_coef = float(root.attrib["torque_coef"])
        rotor = Rotor(position_body = pos, direction_body = dir, clockwise = clockwise, torque_coef = torque_coef)

    if root.tag == "wing":
        area = float(root.attrib["area"])
        dir = self.convert_str_to_vector(root.attrib["direction"], 3)
        angle0 = math.radians(float(root.attrib["angle0"]))
        wing = Wing(area = area, direction = dir, angle0 = angle0)
        self.wing = wing

    # search sub-tree
    for child in root:

def convert_str_to_matrix(self, string, dim0, dim1):
    a = string.split(' ')
    assert len(a) == dim0 * dim1
    res = np.zeros([dim0, dim1])
    for i in range(dim0):
        for j in range(dim1):
            res[i, j] = float(a[i * dim1 + j])
    return res

def convert_str_to_vector(self, string, dim):
    a = string.split(' ')
    assert len(a) == dim
    res = np.zeros(dim)
    for i in range(len(a)):
        res[i] = float(a[i])
    return res

def seed(self, seed=None):
    self.np_random, seed = seeding.np_random(seed)
    return [seed]

def wrap2PI(self, x):
    while x > math.pi:
        x -= math.pi * 2.0
    while x < -math.pi:
        x += math.pi * 2.0
    return x

def calc_local_velocity(self, yaw, vel):
    vel_local = np.zeros(3)
    vel_local[0] = vel[0] * math.cos(yaw) + vel[1] * math.sin(yaw)
    vel_local[1] = -vel[0] * math.sin(yaw) + vel[1] * math.cos(yaw)
    vel_local[2] = vel[2]
    return vel_local

def get_observation_vector(self):
    if self.state_his is None:
        # For observation space construction
        state = np.zeros(12)
        if self.simulate_delay:
            if self.timesofar > self.delay:
                for i in reversed(range(len(self.state_his))):
                    if self.time_his[i] <= self.timesofar - self.delay:
                        state = self.state_his[i]
                state = self.state_his[0]
            state = self.state_his[len(self.state_his) - 1]

    rpy = state[3:6]
    vel = state[6:9]
    omega = state[9:12]

    now = np.hstack((vel, rpy[2]))
    error = self.target - now

    coeff = 0.999
    self.I_error = coeff * self.I_error + self.I_dt * error
    self.I_error = np.clip(self.I_error, -10.0, 10.0)

    ob = np.hstack((rpy, omega, error[0:3], self.I_error))

    if (ob[0] < -math.pi or ob[1] < -math.pi or ob[2] < -math.pi or ob[0] > math.pi or ob[1] > math.pi or ob[2] > math.pi):
        print("ob wrong: ", ob)

    return ob

def update_state(self):
    # get local vel
    vel_local = self.calc_local_velocity(self.rigid_body.rpy[2], self.rigid_body.velocity)

    now_state = np.concatenate([self.rigid_body.position, self.rigid_body.rpy, vel_local, self.rigid_body.omega_body])

    # add noise
    if self.noisy_sensor:
        noise = np.random.normal(self.state_noise_mean, self.state_noise_std)
        now_state = now_state + noise

    now_state[3] = self.wrap2PI(now_state[3])
    now_state[4] = self.wrap2PI(now_state[4])
    now_state[5] = self.wrap2PI(now_state[5])


def reset_noise(self):
    if self.noisy_body:
        self.mass = np.random.uniform(low = 0.95, high = 1.05) * self.real_mass
        for i in range(3):
            for j in range(3):
                if i <= j:
                    self.inertia_tensor[i][j] = self.inertia_tensor[j][i] = self.real_inertia_tensor[i][j] * np.random.uniform(low = 0.6, high = 1.4)

    state_noise_mean_range = np.array([0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.02, 0.02, 0.1, 0.2, 0.2, 0.2, 0.00, 0.00, 0.00])
    self.state_noise_mean = np.random.uniform(low = -1.0 * state_noise_mean_range, high = state_noise_mean_range, size = 12)

def reset(self):
    # generate epoch-level noise

    # set initial state
    initial_pos = np.array([0, 0, -4])

    initial_orientation = Quaternion(axis = [1, 0, 0], angle = 0)

    axis = np.random.uniform(low = -1.0, high = 1.0, size = 3)
    angle = np.random.normal(0.0, 0.2)
    initial_orientation = Quaternion(axis = axis, angle = angle)

    initial_velocity = np.zeros(3)

    initial_velocity = np.random.normal(0.0, 0.5, size = 3)

    initial_omega = np.zeros(3)

    initial_omega = np.random.normal(0.0, 0.05, size = 3)

    self.rigid_body = rigid_body.RigidBody(mass = self.mass, inertia_body = self.inertia_tensor, \
                                            position = initial_pos, orientation = initial_orientation, \
                                            velocity = initial_velocity, angular_velocity = initial_omega)

    mode = self.np_random.uniform(low = 0.0, high = 2.0)
    if mode < 1.0:    
        self.target_vx = self.np_random.uniform(low = 3.0, high = 6.0)
        self.target_vy = 0.0
        self.target_vz = self.np_random.uniform(low = -1.0, high = 1.0)
        self.target_vx = self.np_random.uniform(low = -1.0, high = 1.0)
        self.target_vy = self.np_random.uniform(low = -1.0, high = 1.0)
        self.target_vz = self.np_random.uniform(low = -1.0, high = 1.0)
    self.target = np.array([self.target_vx, self.target_vy, self.target_vz, 0])

    # training variables
    self.epoch += 1
    self.iter = 0
    self.timesofar = 0
    self.last_action = np.zeros(len(self.rotors))
    self.I_error = np.zeros(4)
    self.I_error = np.random.normal(0.0, 0.5, size = 4)

    # for visualization
    self.accumulate_reward = 0
    self.rpy_his = [[], [], []]
    self.vel_local_his = [[], [], []]
    self.target_vel_his = [[], [], []]
    self.action_his = [[], [], [], []]
    self.omega_his = [[], [], []]
    self.state_his = []
    self.time_his = []
    self.error_his = [[], [], [], []]
    self.I_error_his = [[], [], [], []]
    self.aoa_his = []
    self.reward_his = None

    observation_vector = self.get_observation_vector()

    return observation_vector

def compute_reward(self):
    alive_bonus = 400.0

    # 设置固定方向
    desired_direction = np.array([0.0, 1.0, 0.0])  # 例如,这里设置为朝向x轴正方向

    vel_local = self.calc_local_velocity(self.rigid_body.rpy[2], self.rigid_body.velocity)

    vel_cost = 50.0 * np.square((vel_local - self.target[0:3])).sum()

    orientation_cost = 150.0 * np.square(self.wrap2PI(self.rigid_body.rpy[2] - np.arctan2(desired_direction[1], desired_direction[0])))

    control_cost = 0.2 * np.square(self.last_action).sum()

    omega_cost = 5.0 * np.square(self.rigid_body.omega).sum()

    I_cost = 6.0 * np.square(self.I_error).sum()
    # I_cost = 0.0

    reward = (alive_bonus - control_cost - vel_cost - orientation_cost - omega_cost - I_cost) * self.dt

    if self.reward_his is None:
        self.reward_his = np.array([control_cost, vel_cost, orientation_cost, omega_cost, I_cost]) * self.dt
        self.reward_his += np.array([control_cost, vel_cost, orientation_cost, omega_cost, I_cost]) * self.dt

    return reward

def step(self, action): #处理空气动力学模型
    assert len(action) == len(self.rotors)

    # add noise to dt
    if self.noisy_dt:
        self.dt = np.random.normal(self.dt_mean, self.dt_std)
        self.dt = self.dt_mean

    if self.simulate_delay:
        self.delay = np.random.normal(self.delay_mean, self.delay_std)

    # apply gravity
    self.rigid_body.apply_force_in_world_frame(force = self.mass * self.gravity, position = self.rigid_body.point_body_to_world(body_point = np.zeros(3)))

    # apply rotors forces / torques
    for i in range(len(self.rotors)):
        action[i] += self.max_thrust / 2.0

        if self.noisy_rotor:
            action[i] *= np.random.uniform(low = 0.8, high = 1.2)

        action[i] = np.clip(action[i], 0.0, self.max_thrust)

        # constrain motor output
        if self.constrain_motor_output:
            action[i] = np.clip(action[i], self.last_action[i] - self.motor_constrain_clip, self.last_action[i] + self.motor_constrain_clip)

        self.rigid_body.apply_force_in_body_frame(force = action[i] * self.rotors[i].direction, \
                                                    position = self.rotors[i].position)

        if self.rotors[i].clockwise:
            self.rigid_body.apply_torque(torque = self.rotors[i].torque_coef * action[i] * self.rigid_body.vector_body_to_world(self.rotors[i].direction))
            self.rigid_body.apply_torque(torque = -1.0 * self.rotors[i].torque_coef * action[i] * self.rigid_body.vector_body_to_world(self.rotors[i].direction))

    # apply aerodynamics
    lift, drag, aoa = self.wing.compute_aerodynamics(orientation = self.rigid_body.orientation, velocity = self.rigid_body.velocity, noisy = self.noisy_aerodynamics)
    AC = np.zeros(3)
    self.rigid_body.apply_force_in_world_frame(force = lift, position = self.rigid_body.point_body_to_world(body_point = AC))
    self.rigid_body.apply_force_in_world_frame(force = drag, position = self.rigid_body.point_body_to_world(body_point = AC))

    # advance simulation
    self.last_action = action
    self.timesofar += self.dt
    self.iter += 1

    # update state and get observation vector
    ob = self.get_observation_vector()

    # check if fails (e.g. copter flipped over)
    done = False
    done = done or (np.linalg.norm(self.rigid_body.velocity) > 10)
    done = done or (np.linalg.norm(self.rigid_body.omega) > 4.0 * math.pi)
    done = done or (abs(self.rigid_body.velocity_body[1]) > 2)

    done = done or (self.iter >= self.total_iter)

    # compute reward
    reward = self.compute_reward()

    # render in render_env
    if self.play and self.iter % self.render_intervel == 0:
        # reset camera
        if not (self.render_env.viewer is None):
            self.render_env.viewer.cam.lookat[1] = self.rigid_body.position[0]
            self.render_env.viewer.cam.lookat[0] = self.rigid_body.position[1]
            self.render_env.viewer.cam.lookat[2] = -self.rigid_body.position[2]

        # update object
        qpos = np.zeros(7)
        qpos[0] = self.rigid_body.position[1]
        qpos[1] = self.rigid_body.position[0]
        qpos[2] = - self.rigid_body.position[2]

        # compute transformation in visualization coordinates
        NED_orientation = self.rigid_body.orientation
        NED_R = NED_orientation.rotation_matrix
        NED2VIS_R = np.array([[0, 1, 0], [1, 0, 0], [0, 0, -1]])

        VIS_R = np.matmul(NED2VIS_R, np.matmul(NED_R, np.linalg.inv(NED2VIS_R)))
        VIS_Orientation = Quaternion(matrix = VIS_R)

        qpos[3] = VIS_Orientation[0]
        qpos[4] = VIS_Orientation[1]
        qpos[5] = VIS_Orientation[2]
        qpos[6] = VIS_Orientation[3]


    return ob, np.sum(reward), done, {}

def close(self):
    if self.render_env:
        self.render_env = None


qimingyu1113 commented 4 weeks ago

import rotor from rotor import Rotor import wing from wing import Wing from Utils import rigid_body from Utils import euler_angle

import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET import math import gym from gym import spaces, logger from gym.utils import seeding import numpy as np from pyquaternion import Quaternion import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import seaborn as sns

def warp_PI(radians): res = np.zeros(len(radians)) for i in range(len(radians)): res[i] = radians[i] while res[i] < -math.pi: res[i] += 2.0 math.pi while res[i] > math.pi: res[i] -= 2.0 math.pi return res

class Hybrid3DEnv(gym.Env): def init(self, data_folder, config_file, play): self.render_filename = None self.mass = None self.inertia_tensor = None self.rotors = [] self.wing = None

    # initialize constant value
    self.gravity = np.array([0, 0, 9.8])
    self.dt_mean = 0.01
    self.dt_std = 0.005
    self.total_iter = 2000

    # parse xml config file
    self.parse_config_file(data_folder + config_file)

    # construct rendering environment
    if play:
        from mujoco_rendering_env import mujoco_env
        self.render_env = mujoco_env.MujocoEnv(model_path = data_folder + self.render_filename)
        self.render_env = None
    self.render_intervel = int(1.0 / 50.0 / self.dt_mean)

    # self.render_env._get_viewer()

    # noise related
    self.noisy_body = True
    self.noisy_sensor = True
    self.state_noise_std = np.array([0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.005, 0.005, 0.005, 0.0005, 0.0005, 0.0005])
    self.noisy_rotor = False
    self.noisy_aerodynamics = True
    self.simulate_delay = True
    self.delay = 0.04
    self.delay_mean = 0.04
    self.delay_std = 0.01
    self.noisy_dt = True
    self.constrain_motor_output = True
    self.motor_constrain_clip = 0.4
    self.real_rotors = []
    for i in range(len(self.rotors)):
        self.real_rotors.append(Rotor(self.rotors[i].position, self.rotors[i].direction, self.rotors[i].clockwise, self.rotors[i].torque_coef))

    # integral term
    self.I_dt = self.dt_mean
    self.I_error = None

    # mass property
    self.real_mass = self.mass
    self.real_inertia_tensor = self.inertia_tensor.copy()

    # initialize rigid body
    self.rigid_body = rigid_body.RigidBody(mass = self.mass, inertia_body = self.inertia_tensor)
    self.state = None

    # train or play
    self.play = play

    # training variables
    self.iter = None
    self.epoch = 0
    self.timesofar = None
    self.target = np.zeros(4)
    self.state_his = None
    self.I_error = np.zeros(4)

    # construct action space
    self.max_thrust = 7.0
    action_low = np.ones(len(self.rotors)) * -1.0 * self.max_thrust / 2.0
    action_high = np.ones(len(self.rotors)) * self.max_thrust / 2.0
    self.action_space = spaces.Box(action_low, action_high, dtype=np.float32)

    # construct observation space
    ob = self.get_observation_vector()
    ob_low = np.ones(len(ob)) * (-np.finfo(np.float32).max)
    ob_high = np.ones(len(ob)) * (np.finfo(np.float32).max)
    self.observation_space = spaces.Box(ob_low, ob_high, dtype=np.float32)

# parse config file
def parse_config_file(self, config_file):
    xml_tree = ET.parse(config_file)
    root = xml_tree.getroot()

def parse_xml_tree(self, root):
    # parse node
    if root.tag == "render_file":
        self.render_filename = root.attrib["filename"]

    if root.tag == "mass_property":
        self.mass = float(root.attrib["mass"])
        self.inertia_tensor = self.convert_str_to_matrix(root.attrib["inertia_tensor"], 3, 3)

    if root.tag == "rotor":
        pos = self.convert_str_to_vector(root.attrib["position"], 3)
        dir = self.convert_str_to_vector(root.attrib["direction"], 3)
        clockwise = (root.attrib["clockwise"] == "1")
        torque_coef = float(root.attrib["torque_coef"])
        rotor = Rotor(position_body = pos, direction_body = dir, clockwise = clockwise, torque_coef = torque_coef)

    if root.tag == "wing":
        area = float(root.attrib["area"])
        dir = self.convert_str_to_vector(root.attrib["direction"], 3)
        angle0 = math.radians(float(root.attrib["angle0"]))
        wing = Wing(area = area, direction = dir, angle0 = angle0)
        self.wing = wing

    # search sub-tree
    for child in root:

def convert_str_to_matrix(self, string, dim0, dim1):
    a = string.split(' ')
    assert len(a) == dim0 * dim1
    res = np.zeros([dim0, dim1])
    for i in range(dim0):
        for j in range(dim1):
            res[i, j] = float(a[i * dim1 + j])
    return res

def convert_str_to_vector(self, string, dim):
    a = string.split(' ')
    assert len(a) == dim
    res = np.zeros(dim)
    for i in range(len(a)):
        res[i] = float(a[i])
    return res

def seed(self, seed=None):
    self.np_random, seed = seeding.np_random(seed)
    return [seed]

def wrap2PI(self, x):
    while x > math.pi:
        x -= math.pi * 2.0
    while x < -math.pi:
        x += math.pi * 2.0
    return x

def calc_local_velocity(self, yaw, vel):
    vel_local = np.zeros(3)
    vel_local[0] = vel[0] * math.cos(yaw) + vel[1] * math.sin(yaw)
    vel_local[1] = -vel[0] * math.sin(yaw) + vel[1] * math.cos(yaw)
    vel_local[2] = vel[2]
    return vel_local

def get_observation_vector(self):
    if self.state_his is None:
        # For observation space construction
        state = np.zeros(12)
        if self.simulate_delay:
            if self.timesofar > self.delay:
                for i in reversed(range(len(self.state_his))):
                    if self.time_his[i] <= self.timesofar - self.delay:
                        state = self.state_his[i]
                state = self.state_his[0]
            state = self.state_his[len(self.state_his) - 1]

    rpy = state[3:6]
    vel = state[6:9]
    omega = state[9:12]

    now = np.hstack((vel, rpy[2]))
    error = self.target - now

    coeff = 0.999
    self.I_error = coeff * self.I_error + self.I_dt * error
    self.I_error = np.clip(self.I_error, -10.0, 10.0)

    ob = np.hstack((rpy, omega, error[0:3], self.I_error))

    if (ob[0] < -math.pi or ob[1] < -math.pi or ob[2] < -math.pi or ob[0] > math.pi or ob[1] > math.pi or ob[2] > math.pi):
        print("ob wrong: ", ob)

    return ob

def update_state(self):
    # get local vel
    vel_local = self.calc_local_velocity(self.rigid_body.rpy[2], self.rigid_body.velocity)

    now_state = np.concatenate([self.rigid_body.position, self.rigid_body.rpy, vel_local, self.rigid_body.omega_body])

    # add noise
    if self.noisy_sensor:
        noise = np.random.normal(self.state_noise_mean, self.state_noise_std)
        now_state = now_state + noise

    now_state[3] = self.wrap2PI(now_state[3])
    now_state[4] = self.wrap2PI(now_state[4])
    now_state[5] = self.wrap2PI(now_state[5])


def reset_noise(self):
    if self.noisy_body:
        self.mass = np.random.uniform(low = 0.95, high = 1.05) * self.real_mass
        for i in range(3):
            for j in range(3):
                if i <= j:
                    self.inertia_tensor[i][j] = self.inertia_tensor[j][i] = self.real_inertia_tensor[i][j] * np.random.uniform(low = 0.6, high = 1.4)

    state_noise_mean_range = np.array([0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.02, 0.02, 0.1, 0.2, 0.2, 0.2, 0.00, 0.00, 0.00])
    self.state_noise_mean = np.random.uniform(low = -1.0 * state_noise_mean_range, high = state_noise_mean_range, size = 12)

def reset(self):
    # generate epoch-level noise

    # set initial state
    initial_pos = np.array([0, 0, -4])

    initial_orientation = Quaternion(axis = [1, 0, 0], angle = 0)

    axis = np.random.uniform(low = -1.0, high = 1.0, size = 3)
    angle = np.random.normal(0.0, 0.2)
    initial_orientation = Quaternion(axis = axis, angle = angle)

    initial_velocity = np.zeros(3)

    initial_velocity = np.random.normal(0.0, 0.5, size = 3)

    initial_omega = np.zeros(3)

    initial_omega = np.random.normal(0.0, 0.05, size = 3)

    self.rigid_body = rigid_body.RigidBody(mass = self.mass, inertia_body = self.inertia_tensor, \
                                            position = initial_pos, orientation = initial_orientation, \
                                            velocity = initial_velocity, angular_velocity = initial_omega)

    mode = self.np_random.uniform(low = 0.0, high = 2.0)
    if mode < 1.0:    
        self.target_vx = self.np_random.uniform(low = 3.0, high = 6.0)
        self.target_vy = 0.0
        self.target_vz = self.np_random.uniform(low = -1.0, high = 1.0)
        self.target_vx = self.np_random.uniform(low = -1.0, high = 1.0)
        self.target_vy = self.np_random.uniform(low = -1.0, high = 1.0)
        self.target_vz = self.np_random.uniform(low = -1.0, high = 1.0)
    self.target = np.array([self.target_vx, self.target_vy, self.target_vz, 0])

    # training variables
    self.epoch += 1
    self.iter = 0
    self.timesofar = 0
    self.last_action = np.zeros(len(self.rotors))
    self.I_error = np.zeros(4)
    self.I_error = np.random.normal(0.0, 0.5, size = 4)

    # for visualization
    self.accumulate_reward = 0
    self.rpy_his = [[], [], []]
    self.vel_local_his = [[], [], []]
    self.target_vel_his = [[], [], []]
    self.action_his = [[], [], [], []]
    self.omega_his = [[], [], []]
    self.state_his = []
    self.time_his = []
    self.error_his = [[], [], [], []]
    self.I_error_his = [[], [], [], []]
    self.aoa_his = []
    self.reward_his = None

    observation_vector = self.get_observation_vector()

    return observation_vector

def compute_reward(self):
    alive_bonus = 400.0

    # 设置固定方向
    desired_direction = np.array([0.0, 1.0, 0.0])  # 例如,这里设置为朝向x轴正方向

    vel_local = self.calc_local_velocity(self.rigid_body.rpy[2], self.rigid_body.velocity)

    vel_cost = 50.0 * np.square((vel_local - self.target[0:3])).sum()

    orientation_cost = 150.0 * np.square(self.wrap2PI(self.rigid_body.rpy[2] - np.arctan2(desired_direction[1], desired_direction[0])))

    control_cost = 0.2 * np.square(self.last_action).sum()

    omega_cost = 5.0 * np.square(self.rigid_body.omega).sum()

    I_cost = 6.0 * np.square(self.I_error).sum()
    # I_cost = 0.0

    reward = (alive_bonus - control_cost - vel_cost - orientation_cost - omega_cost - I_cost) * self.dt

    if self.reward_his is None:
        self.reward_his = np.array([control_cost, vel_cost, orientation_cost, omega_cost, I_cost]) * self.dt
        self.reward_his += np.array([control_cost, vel_cost, orientation_cost, omega_cost, I_cost]) * self.dt

    return reward

def step(self, action): #处理空气动力学模型
    assert len(action) == len(self.rotors)

    # add noise to dt
    if self.noisy_dt:
        self.dt = np.random.normal(self.dt_mean, self.dt_std)
        self.dt = self.dt_mean

    if self.simulate_delay:
        self.delay = np.random.normal(self.delay_mean, self.delay_std)

    # apply gravity
    self.rigid_body.apply_force_in_world_frame(force = self.mass * self.gravity, position = self.rigid_body.point_body_to_world(body_point = np.zeros(3)))

    # apply rotors forces / torques
    for i in range(len(self.rotors)):
        action[i] += self.max_thrust / 2.0

        if self.noisy_rotor:
            action[i] *= np.random.uniform(low = 0.8, high = 1.2)

        action[i] = np.clip(action[i], 0.0, self.max_thrust)

        # constrain motor output
        if self.constrain_motor_output:
            action[i] = np.clip(action[i], self.last_action[i] - self.motor_constrain_clip, self.last_action[i] + self.motor_constrain_clip)

        self.rigid_body.apply_force_in_body_frame(force = action[i] * self.rotors[i].direction, \
                                                    position = self.rotors[i].position)

        if self.rotors[i].clockwise:
            self.rigid_body.apply_torque(torque = self.rotors[i].torque_coef * action[i] * self.rigid_body.vector_body_to_world(self.rotors[i].direction))
            self.rigid_body.apply_torque(torque = -1.0 * self.rotors[i].torque_coef * action[i] * self.rigid_body.vector_body_to_world(self.rotors[i].direction))

    # apply aerodynamics
    lift, drag, aoa = self.wing.compute_aerodynamics(orientation = self.rigid_body.orientation, velocity = self.rigid_body.velocity, noisy = self.noisy_aerodynamics)
    AC = np.zeros(3)
    self.rigid_body.apply_force_in_world_frame(force = lift, position = self.rigid_body.point_body_to_world(body_point = AC))
    self.rigid_body.apply_force_in_world_frame(force = drag, position = self.rigid_body.point_body_to_world(body_point = AC))

    # advance simulation
    self.last_action = action
    self.timesofar += self.dt
    self.iter += 1

    # update state and get observation vector
    ob = self.get_observation_vector()

    # check if fails (e.g. copter flipped over)
    done = False
    done = done or (np.linalg.norm(self.rigid_body.velocity) > 10)
    done = done or (np.linalg.norm(self.rigid_body.omega) > 4.0 * math.pi)
    done = done or (abs(self.rigid_body.velocity_body[1]) > 2)

    done = done or (self.iter >= self.total_iter)

    # compute reward
    reward = self.compute_reward()

    # render in render_env
    if self.play and self.iter % self.render_intervel == 0:
        # reset camera
        if not (self.render_env.viewer is None):
            self.render_env.viewer.cam.lookat[1] = self.rigid_body.position[0]
            self.render_env.viewer.cam.lookat[0] = self.rigid_body.position[1]
            self.render_env.viewer.cam.lookat[2] = -self.rigid_body.position[2]

        # update object
        qpos = np.zeros(7)
        qpos[0] = self.rigid_body.position[1]
        qpos[1] = self.rigid_body.position[0]
        qpos[2] = - self.rigid_body.position[2]

        # compute transformation in visualization coordinates
        NED_orientation = self.rigid_body.orientation
        NED_R = NED_orientation.rotation_matrix
        NED2VIS_R = np.array([[0, 1, 0], [1, 0, 0], [0, 0, -1]])

        VIS_R = np.matmul(NED2VIS_R, np.matmul(NED_R, np.linalg.inv(NED2VIS_R)))
        VIS_Orientation = Quaternion(matrix = VIS_R)

        qpos[3] = VIS_Orientation[0]
        qpos[4] = VIS_Orientation[1]
        qpos[5] = VIS_Orientation[2]
        qpos[6] = VIS_Orientation[3]


    return ob, np.sum(reward), done, {}

def close(self):
    if self.render_env:
        self.render_env = None

