qinche106 / cb-convlstm-eyetracking

Event-based Eye Tracking using ConvLSTM networks
MIT License
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Problem of processing event #9

Open Amelia2675 opened 2 months ago

Amelia2675 commented 2 months ago


Thank you for your contribution!

When I executed the process_event.py, I encountered some issues, as shown in the picture.

I have two questions:

  1. What is the data type of the data in the h5_file?
  2. In the process_event.py script, why does h5_file.root.vector[:] not capture the data in the h5_file? (It seems that the array contains all zeros)

Thank you.


Best regards, Amelia

ZuowenWang0000 commented 2 months ago

Hi Amelia, Thanks for checking out our repo. Could you please use np.nonzero to check if it's really an all zero array? It could be that the beginning and end are mostly zero which is very normal for event based data.

Amelia2675 commented 2 months ago

Dear ZuoWen,

Thank you for your response.

I have noticed that the data shape and extended_data shape appear as expected, but it seems that there is no data present in the extended_data.


As stated in the README, data_dir is directed to "/DATA/pupil_st/data_ts_500". I am uncertain about what exactly should be placed in the data_ts_500 directory. Could you please provide further guidance on this?

Thank you!

Sincerely, Amelia

ZuowenWang0000 commented 2 months ago

hi Amelia, for using the convlstm-et-pytorch-event.py script, the data directories are organized as: data_dir_train = "./dataset/data_ts_pro/train/" data_dir_val = "./dataset/data_ts_pro/val/" target_dir = "./dataset/pupil_st/label"

The data are preprocessed event frames which can be downloaded from (link available in the readme): https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/16qH_wv_oVNysJARtHIUrIXbHjOygfq_i?usp=sharing

The process_event.py script is to process raw events into event frame, and for that you need to download data from: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1HeOS5YBLruzHjwMKyBQfVTc_mJbsy_R1

Please let me know if you have any further question! best, zw