qingmei2 / RxImagePicker

:rocket:RxJava2 and RxJava3 external support. Android flexible picture selector, provides the support for theme of Zhihu and WeChat (灵活的Android图片选择器,提供了知乎和微信主题的支持).
MIT License
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图片预览或者是点击拍照(直接返回)后,会刷新当前RecyclerView数据 #68

Open lcyluo opened 5 years ago

lcyluo commented 5 years ago


qingmei2 commented 5 years ago



Joslyn-Chen commented 5 years ago

还有,如果预览的是截图,就不能继续滑动,正常拍摄的可以。 返回的Uri,通过getPath()获取的地址并不能直接使用