qiniu / nodejs-sdk

Qiniu Resource (Cloud) Storage SDK for Node.js
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vulnerability in netmask (CVE-2021-28918) #378

Open kachkaev opened 3 years ago

kachkaev commented 3 years ago

I have a project that depends on qiniu@7.3.2, which seems to be the latest version.

When running yarn audit, this error shows up since a few days ago:

│ high          │ netmask npm package vulnerable to octal input data           │
│ Package       │ netmask                                                      │
│ Patched in    │ >=2.0.1                                                      │
│ Dependency of │ qiniu                                                        │
│ Path          │ qiniu > urllib > proxy-agent > pac-proxy-agent >             │
│               │ pac-resolver > netmask                                       │
│ More info     │ https://www.npmjs.com/advisories/1658                        │
1 vulnerabilities found - Packages audited: 901


It’d be great to see a new version of qiniu that depends on netmask@^2.0.1. Thank you!