qinyuhang / ShadowsocksX-NG-R

Next Generation of ShadowsocksX
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mac无法使用的解决办法如下 #185

Open liujunling721 opened 3 years ago

liujunling721 commented 3 years ago

System and Shadowsocksx-NG-R8 version:

Expected behavior:

Actual behavior:

(N/A for feature requests)

Steps to reproduce:

(N/A for feature requests)

How often does this happen?

(N/A for feature requests)


Please upload the ss-local.log file here the file is in ~/Library/Logs 1) Open 'Advanced Settings -> enable Verbose Mode' 2) Continue run Shadowsocksx-NG-R8 for 5 minutes 3) Upload the ~/Library/Logs/ss-local.log here (with or without compress)

Application log

Open the Console.app and search Shadowsocksx-NG Copy paste the log here

Crash Log

If the app crashes and pop up a crash log, please copy and paste here


liujunling721 commented 3 years ago

按照以下网址亲测我的mac可用 https://www.shangmayuan.com/a/29aaab6598ac42dfbd00aebe.html

1.将Shadowsocksx订阅链接在以下网址进行转换 https://web.api.ytoo-163cdn.com/ 2.下载clashX程序


1.1经过订阅连接 具体以下: 1.点击【配置】-【托管配置】-【管理】 2.点击【添加】-填入连接和随便起要给名字-点击【肯定】 3.设置为系统代理

1.2经过配置文件:点击状态栏图标 — 配置 — 打开配置文件夹 1.点击配置——打开配置文件夹——把下载的yaml 文件拖到文件夹里面


3.最后,勾选 ClashX 的「设置为系统代理」便可开始使用