qiskit-advocate / qamp-fall-21

Qiskit advocate mentorship program (QAMP) fall 21 cohort (Sep - Dec 2021)
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Quantum Internet Simulator #31

Closed bala-ceg closed 3 years ago

bala-ceg commented 3 years ago


I am a beginner in the field of QC. I am a Quantum and Network enthusiast. Out of my enthusiasm, I proposing the project End to End Quantum Internet software Simulator discussed in the below documents The document references: https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/draft-irtf-qirg-quantum-internet-use-cases/

Paper from Mitesh https://arxiv.org/pdf/2003.06397.pdf


Looking for the ideal mentor

Type of participant

Someone interested in the quantum internet

Number of participants



Working prototype and paper (maybe a qiskit chapter)

AlainChance commented 3 years ago

It is worth mentioning the following list of quantum network simulators:

NetSquid, the NETwork Simulator for QUantum Information using Discrete events

The Network Simulator for Quantum Information using Discrete events (NetSquid) is a software tool for the modelling and simulation of scalable quantum networks developed at QuTech. The goal of NetSquid is to enable scientists and engineers to design the future quantum internet as well as modular quantum computing architectures.

Coopmans, T., Knegjens, R., Dahlberg, A. et al. NetSquid, a NETwork Simulator for QUantum Information using Discrete events. Commun Phys 4, 164 (2021). https://doi.org/10.1038/s42005-021-00647-8

QuISP - Quantum Internet Simulation Package

The Quantum Internet Simulation Package (QuISP) is an event-driven simulation of quantum repeater networks, which will be the foundation of the coming Quantum Internet. The goal of QuISP is to simulate a full Quantum Internet consisting of up to 100 networks of up to 100 nodes each. Its focus is on protocol design and emergent behavior of complex, heterogeneous networks at large scale, while keeping the physical layer as realistic as possible

QuISP is a product of the Advancing Quantum Architecture (AQUA) research group headed by Prof. Rodney Van Meter, at Keio University's Shonan Fujisawa Campus, Fujisawa, Japan. See http://aqua.sfc.wide.ad.jp and the list of Authors.

GitHub repository


SimulaQron is an application level simulator for a quantum internet that allows you to program your own quantum internet applications. Explore how to realize software for a quantum internet connecting local quantum processors by quantum communication, and develop your own libraries and software engineering concepts suitable for a quantum internet.

SimulaQron, Under the Hood, How SimulaQron works, QuTech

SimulaQron, Getting Started, Writing your first SimulaQron program, QuTech

SimulaQron—a simulator for developing quantum internet software, Axel Dahlberg and Stephanie Wehner 2019 Quantum Sci. Technol. 4 015001

AlainChance commented 3 years ago

Worth checking: Aliro offers Aliro™ Q.Network, the first commercial Entanglement as a Service platform, with "Run simulation" and "Get simulation analysis" features.

bala-ceg commented 3 years ago

Thank you sir @AlainChance for the suggestions.

HuangJunye commented 3 years ago

Close due to no mentor. Of course you are feel to organize yourselves outside the mentorship program if you are still interested.