qiskit-advocate / qamp-fall-22

Qiskit advocate mentorship program (QAMP) fall 22 cohort (Sep - Dec 2022)
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Work on the quantum algorithm tutorials #17

Closed Cryoris closed 1 year ago

Cryoris commented 1 year ago


Qiskit implements a large number of quantum algorithms, ranging from ground and excitetd state search over time evolution to amplitude estimation. However, many algorithms lack a tutorial and it's not evident how the algorithms can be used and what all their abilities are.

As tutorials are one of the first touchpoints users have with Qiskit it's crucial they are up-to-date and cover all algorithms! :sligh


Implement tutorials for algorithms in Qiskit Terra, such as

and possibly polish the existing ones and ensure they are up-to-date!

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Christophe-pere commented 1 year ago

Hello, I'm interested in this project. Phase and amplitude estimation are still a nightmare for me; it could be an excellent opportunity to go deeper. Could we schedule a call to discuss this further?

gunchamalik commented 1 year ago

Hi, I am interested in working on this project. I have taken a hands-on session, for college students, in the past on Shor's algorithm. This will be a good opportunity for me to dive in a bit in other algorithms as well.

gideonuchehara commented 1 year ago

Hello @Cryoris , I am interested in this project. I have submitted my application for mentorship. Please, let me know what the next steps are. Looking forward to working with you. Thanks.

AbhaSNK commented 1 year ago

Hello Cryosis! This project is really interesting. I have experience writing about quantum topics, in a way to make things easier for readers at various levels and will love making the code understandable and easy for all. I wish to write an extensive guide to quantum algorithms. I am super okay with working with others and learn together!

helenup commented 1 year ago

Hi. I am Helen a new Qiskit Advocate. I am interested in working on this project. I’ve already worked with some algorithms and I would love to learn with the team. I’ve submitted my application. Thanks

Cryoris commented 1 year ago

It's great to see so much interest in this! However, we're currently undergoing a refactoring of the algorithms in Qiskit Terra to use the new Qiskit Primitives so it is a unfortunately a bit too early to write tutorials. Let me know you are still interested in the future, then we can tackle this project after the refactoring! 🙂