qiskit-advocate / qamp-fall-22

Qiskit advocate mentorship program (QAMP) fall 22 cohort (Sep - Dec 2022)
15 stars 7 forks source link

Improvements to Red Queen #30

Closed mtreinish closed 1 year ago

mtreinish commented 1 year ago


Red Queen, https://github.com/Qiskit/red-queen, is a quantum compiler benchmark framework that we're using in Qiskit to characterize the performance (both runtime and quality) of qiskit's compiler (i.e. transpile())


The project is to work on improving the red queen framework. The primary deliverables will be pull requests to the project adding new benchmarks and making general improvements to the framework.

Mentors details

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gideonuchehara commented 1 year ago

Hello @mtreinish , I am interested in this project. I have submitted my application for mentorship. Please, let me know what the next steps are. Looking forward to working with you. Thanks.

archanaravindar commented 1 year ago

Hi @mtreinish This project interests me as it overlaps with both areas I have worked earlier- compiler performance and development. I have submitted my application for the QAMP fall program. if there is a spot for a mentee available I m interested.

shraddha-aangiras commented 1 year ago


archanaravindar commented 1 year ago

Uploading checkpoint 1 presentation @GemmaDawson qamp-proposal.pptx [Uploading qamp-proposal.pptx…]()

GemmaDawson commented 1 year ago

@archanaravindar - please review that upload. It is not correct

archanaravindar commented 1 year ago

Thanks for noticing! uploaded the correct file @GemmaDawson

archanaravindar commented 1 year ago


Progress so far on integrating MQTbench to red queen Picked Amplitude estimation test as a proof of concept test and was able to create similar test files using red queen framework and run the test Simplifications assumed: circuit created in .qasm, no fidelity comparisons 4B45340D-0405-4E48-9796-A5D4AC6B6F71 3DE4A19E-BB19-4B19-A66B-A0D733F2A3F2

Updated .py file to create circuit and run it in memory instead of putting it into a qasm file

Next steps:

  1. To discuss about fidelity comparisons and mid-circuit measurements with Matthew

@GemmaDawson @mtreinish

archanaravindar commented 1 year ago

Added most benchmarks from MQTBench to red queen here https://github.com/Qiskit/red-queen/pull/48/ Currently testing and working on visualisation of results

archanaravindar commented 1 year ago

Presentation for final checkpoint is attached. finaldemo-qamp-fall-2022-archana.pdf

detailed results here : https://ibm.box.com/s/6xkaof9ntcf96bl7wmpsk2zw6btfpn23

GemmaDawson commented 1 year ago

@archanaravindar - this link is not correct, please update it

archanaravindar commented 1 year ago

@archanaravindar - this link is not correct, please update it

is it ok now @GemmaDawson

GemmaDawson commented 1 year ago

It is! Thank you @archanaravindar!

GemmaDawson commented 1 year ago

Congratulations on completing all the requirements for QAMP Fall 2022!! 🌟🌟🌟

shraddha-aangiras commented 1 year ago

Presentation for final checkpoint https://slides.com/shraddhashankaraangiras/improvements-to-red-queen