qiskit-advocate / qamp-spring-21

Qiskit advocate mentorship program (QAMP) spring 21 cohort
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Enhance Qiskit papers database & replication study #11

Open HuangJunye opened 3 years ago

HuangJunye commented 3 years ago


This project would build on efforts to catalog papers published using Qiskit or IBM Quantum systems (available here). In particular, this project would have 2 parts:

The second part would be up to the mentee to decide what they would like to do. Two ideas I have are:


Travis L. Scholten (@Travis-S-IBM), Quantum computing application researcher at IBM Quantum.

Anna Phan (@attp), Research scientist at IBM Research Australia, for the replication study part if there are multiple people/teams wanting to replicate different papers.

Type of participant

Someone who is willing to do the long slog through the database and add metadata, and who has an interest in either of technical writing or Qiskit coding.

Number of participants

1 to 2 people could work as a team on this. If there were more and the group wanted to go down both paths, that would be acceptable.


The core deliverable is an improved database. Auxiliary deliverables include a report summarizing the database and/or a blog post about a replication study of a paper.

Travis-S-IBM commented 3 years ago

Note: I'd also be open to do a replication of this paper, which isn't in the database. But the authors note that they originally used Qiskit, then abandoned it.

hykavitha commented 3 years ago

@Travis-S-IBM @HuangJunye : i would be interested to replication study as it involves deep dive into qiskit as a mentee in qiskit-advocate-mentorship-program

HuangJunye commented 3 years ago

@bagmk Can you comment on this issue so that I can assign you? Please also work with your mentor to refine the project, define scope and deliverables and update the project description in this issue.

HuangJunye commented 3 years ago

@kareem1925 You are working on this project idea with Waheeda. Can you create a separate issue so that I can assign you and Waheeda on it? Also update the project description to reflect that exact paper that you are trying to work on.

Travis-S-IBM commented 3 years ago

Noting here @bagmk and I are working on replicating this paper: Evaluation of Parameterized Quantum Circuits: on the relation between classification accuracy, expressibility and entangling capability.

bagmk commented 3 years ago

Thank you @HuangJunye, we will start working together to replicate the paper that @Travis-S-IBM mentioned.