Currently, a number of pylint checks are disabled throughout the code base. As we improve the code, we should either fix each check or disable it locally, in preparation for potential contribution to qiskit-optimization.
[ ] fixme
[ ] invalid-name
[x] too-few-public-methods
[ ] missing-function-docstring
[ ] protected-access (waiting on #7)
[x] redefined-outer-name
[x] no-member
[x] pointless-statement
[x] too-many-locals
[x] useless-super-delegation
[x] consider-using-f-string
[x] too-many-statements
[x] too-many-branches
[x] consider-using-enumerate
[ ] duplicate-code
[ ] docstring plugin tests (temporarily disabled in de3bf5276e90788029bf278040f6c0ab8f0aba72)
What is the expected enhancement?
Currently, a number of pylint checks are disabled throughout the code base. As we improve the code, we should either fix each check or disable it locally, in preparation for potential contribution to qiskit-optimization.
Currently disabled within notebooks only