qiskit-community / qiskit-camp-africa-19

Qiskit Camp Africa - December 11-14, 2019
15 stars 9 forks source link

Understanding the error correction function #4

Open quantumjim opened 4 years ago

quantumjim commented 4 years ago


Qiskit Ignis includes a simple example of quantum error correction, which can be used to benchmark near-term devices. There are things that could be improved, so let's do it.


The topological_codes module implements various quantum error correcting codes, all of which can be analyzed by the same decoder: GraphDecoder. This contains a set of methods, all based on graph theory.

That's the idea, anyway. In practice there is currently only one code (the repetition code) and one decoding method (minimum weight perfect matching).

Adding new codes or decoders would be a good way to improve the project. However, better suited to a hackathon is perhaps to improve what is already there.


Tutorials on how to use this module are here and here.



A pull request to Qiskit Ignis.

GitHub repo

1ucian0 commented 4 years ago

Risper Gitau Karimi Wambui Jane Kimani Grace Shako Michelle Mueni

coach: Elisa

RisperGitau commented 4 years ago


GShako commented 4 years ago


karivone commented 4 years ago


jane-tj commented 4 years ago


Mueni commented 4 years ago


karivone commented 4 years ago

change of title

improving error correction function

Mueni commented 4 years ago

Understanding the error correction function

Mueni commented 4 years ago


Qiskit Ignis includes a simple example of quantum error correction, which can be used to benchmark near-term devices. So lets dig in to understand this concept much better


The topological_codes module implements various quantum error correcting codes, all of which can be analyzed by the same decoder: GraphDecoder. This contains a set of methods, all based on graph theory.

That's the idea, anyway. In practice there is currently only one code (the repetition code) and one decoding method (minimum weight perfect matching).

For the hackathon we will try to have a clearer understanding of the repetition code and the minimum weight perfect matching method and improve on the tutorial already there

Specifically: -A better understanding of the logical process behind the minimum weight perfect matching method -Modify the tutorial in order to make it easy and fast to comprehend.

karivone commented 4 years ago

Qcamp (1).pdf Documentation on Understanding the error correction function

Mueni commented 4 years ago

Presentation power point

Qiskit hackathon.pptx