qiskit-community / qiskit-camp-europe-19

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Quantum email #38

Open cicacica opened 4 years ago

cicacica commented 4 years ago


The goal is to simulate a secure communication assisted with a (simulated) quantum channel. By the end, we want to simulate: Alice sending Bob an email, where her message is a quantum state.


Alice has a message (or a secret) in the form of a quantum state, and she wants to share her secret to Bob securely. To achieve the security --- assuming that we are using a real insecure quantum channel, we append the message with a classical digital signature, and there exists a means to share a symmetric key between Alice and Bob securely.

The quantum channel is simulated by adding a backend which creates a TCP socket between nodes. Once this connection is established, we can try some simple cryptographic schemes among the nodes, i.e., quantum one-time pad to send a quantum message, quantum secret sharing with Grover, quantum voting, and so forth.



GitHub repo


mawyss commented 4 years ago

Wow, this looks like a very interesting project! I would really like to join :)

Galvien commented 4 years ago

@kerenavnery is interested

CrashingBrain commented 4 years ago


PSuchsland commented 4 years ago

Hey, I like to join

kerenavnery commented 4 years ago

OUR REPO: https://github.com/kerenavnery/qmail