qiskit-community / qiskit-camp-europe-19

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Quantum Game Theory Models #40

Open rajkk1 opened 4 years ago

rajkk1 commented 4 years ago


Implement a framework in qiskit that can be used to create and run basic quantum game theory models. The proposed route is to first implement a simple circuit for the quantum prisoner's dilemma and build up from there.


Game theory is the study of mathematical models of strategies that players take in certain environments (e.g. Prisoner's Dilemma) . Quantum game theory is the study of more generalized game theory models that make use of quantum computation. The project is to implement a framework which can be used to spin up quantum game theory models. A proposed route is to first implement a simple circuit for the quantum prisoner's dilemma and build up from there.

bitmap(left) Table of outcomes for the Prisoner's Dilemma [1] and (right) quantum circuit for a quantum game theory model [2]

Prerequisites: None! I can explain the basics of game theory and quantum game theory in 15(ish) minutes, so no worries if you are new to the field (I am pretty new to it myself!). But if you are keen there is a good 3 minute intro youtube video for getting a taste for game theory and reference [2] explains quantum game theory.




A prototype in Qiskit Aqua

GitHub repo


HGSilveri commented 4 years ago

Hi Raj, I'm interested in this one! I'm practically new to the field, but it sounds really cool! If we can find some more members, count me in

desireevl commented 4 years ago

Would like to join :)