qiskit-community / qiskit-camp-europe-19

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Quantum Poker #44

Open danielbultrini opened 4 years ago

danielbultrini commented 4 years ago


A game similar to Poker, whereby one draws quantum gates. The cards on the table are an incomplete quantum circuit. Players attempt to either maximise the ones or zeros in the two player mode.


For example, players may draw one and two qubit gates as such: image

Then you get a preprepared circuit like this image

Player one fills their one and player 2 fills theirs. This way the players can learn how quantum circuits are affected by gates, perhaps get a feeling of probability manipulation/amplitude amplification. It could be modified to attempt to teach other concepts.



A working prototype, perhaps with a simple graphical interface

GitHub repo


HGSilveri commented 4 years ago

Hi! Is this group full? I would like to join

danielbultrini commented 4 years ago

Of course it's not, come on over! It's in Tunis

ankurmagdum commented 4 years ago

I’d like to join

danielbultrini commented 4 years ago
