Open albertzhu01 opened 2 years ago
Running the QV experiments individually, the error occurs consistently for qubit group [12, 13, 14, 15, 16] but not any other groups in the code above. The error also occurs on other devices for the exact same qubits (Hanoi).
Can you try to narrow it down to a specific SU(4) that triggers the error? Presumably the randomization occasionally draws a particular SU(4) that fails in TwoQubitBasisDecomposer.num_basis_gates()
By changing the seed around, I've been able agle to trigger the error with the following 2 SU(4)s:
Instruction(name='unitary', num_qubits=2, num_clbits=0, params=[array([
[-0.02645613-0.07057715j, 0. +0.j , -0.16789715-0.98291886j, 0. +0.j ],
[-0.16789715+0.98291886j, 0. +0.j , 0.02645613-0.07057715j, 0. +0.j ],
[ 0. +0.j , -0.02645613-0.07057715j, 0. +0.j , -0.16789715-0.98291886j],
[ 0. +0.j , -0.16789715+0.98291886j, 0. +0.j , 0.02645613-0.07057715j]])])
Instruction(name='unitary', num_qubits=2, num_clbits=0, params=[array([
[ 0.35857659-0.1328184j , 0. +0.j , 0.91071947-0.15611584j, 0. +0.j ],
[ 0.91071947+0.15611584j, 0. +0.j , -0.35857659-0.1328184j , 0. +0.j ],
[ 0. +0.j , 0.35857659-0.1328184j , 0. +0.j , 0.91071947-0.15611584j],
[ 0. +0.j , 0.91071947+0.15611584j, 0. +0.j , -0.35857659-0.1328184j ]])])
However, I've seen the first SU(4) above get generated in an experiment with a different seed and the error did not get triggered
THanks @albertzhu01 when I try to use those SU(4) I don't have any problem. I'm not sure if this is something about my setup vs yours, or if its an issue with the rounding of the array for the printout above. The way I tested was with:
[-0.02645613-0.07057715j, 0. +0.j , -0.16789715-0.98291886j, 0. +0.j ],
[-0.16789715+0.98291886j, 0. +0.j , 0.02645613-0.07057715j, 0. +0.j ],
[ 0. +0.j , -0.02645613-0.07057715j, 0. +0.j , -0.16789715-0.98291886j],
[ 0. +0.j , -0.16789715+0.98291886j, 0. +0.j , 0.02645613-0.07057715j]])
Can you try it and see if it fails for you? And if not maybe you can dump the failing matrices with enough digits of precision so we can load recreate them bitwise-identical.
The above works for me (I get num_basis_gates = 3
), and for some reason when I run QV with the exact same seed and parameters again, the above array does not produce the error. Instead, I get the error with the following SU(4):
[[ 0.236623607031252+0.96684108969098j , 0. +0.j , 0.034648743991892-0.089593752128496j, 0. +0.j ],
[ 0.034648743991892+0.089593752128496j, 0. +0.j , -0.236623607031252+0.96684108969098j , 0. +0.j ],
[ 0. +0.j , 0.236623607031252+0.96684108969098j , 0. +0.j , 0.034648743991892-0.089593752128496j],
[ 0. +0.j , 0.034648743991892+0.089593752128496j, 0. +0.j , -0.236623607031252+0.96684108969098j ]]
(This has 15 digits of precision)
However, if I just run qiskit.quantum_info.two_qubit_cnot_decompose.num_basis_gates
on that array, I don't get any errors. Could there be some other randomness happening that just causes the eigenvalue algorithm to not converge sometimes?
For the second SU(4) in my comment above, I'm able to consistently get the error, but similarly it does not result in an error if I just run qiskit.quantum_info.two_qubit_cnot_decompose.num_basis_gates
. Here's that SU(4) with 15 digits of precision:
[[ 0.358576594639192-0.132818396029565j, 0. +0.j , 0.910719465407508-0.156115837700592j, 0. +0.j ],
[ 0.910719465407508+0.156115837700592j, 0. +0.j , -0.358576594639192-0.132818396029565j, 0. +0.j ],
[ 0. +0.j , 0.358576594639192-0.132818396029565j, 0. +0.j , 0.910719465407508-0.156115837700592j],
[ 0. +0.j , 0.910719465407508+0.156115837700592j, 0. +0.j , -0.358576594639192-0.132818396029565j]]
Update: The following lines give the error when I run them on my computer, but Helena does not get the error. We both have the same qiskit-terra version, so we're not sure what could be the discrepancy (besides potential differences in the versions of other packages).
from qiskit.transpiler.passes.synthesis import unitary_synthesis
decomposer = unitary_synthesis._basis_gates_to_decomposer_2q(['id', 'rz', 'sx', 'x', 'cx', 'reset'])
decomposer.num_basis_gates([[(0.23662360703125174+0.9668410896909799j), 0j, (0.03464874399189194-0.08959375212849645j), 0j], [(0.03464874399189194+0.08959375212849645j), 0j, (-0.23662360703125174+0.9668410896909799j), 0j], [0j, (0.23662360703125174+0.9668410896909799j), 0j, (0.03464874399189194-0.08959375212849645j)], [0j, (0.03464874399189194+0.08959375212849645j), 0j, (-0.23662360703125174+0.9668410896909799j)]])
The above lines do not error for me. I note that all the failing cases are SWAP.(U()*I) which is a high-symmetry corner of the Weyl chamber. The reason for all the complexities of the TwoQubitWeylDecomposition
stuff is exactly because of pathologies around such high-symmetry points, so maybe this is yet another example of such.
It would be good to nail down which difference between @albertzhu01 setup and my/Helena's is sufficient to trigger the error.
You might try something like the following to see how common these failures can be for you
for _ in range(100_000):
TwoQubitWeylDecomposition(np.kron(random_unitary(2), random_unitary(2)) @ swap)
on my setup I've tested millions of cases and they all pass.
The terra testsuite exercises a bunch of the pathological cases. It would be interesting to see if the testsuite passes on your setup. Something like python -m unittest test.python.quantum_info.test_synthesis -cb
should run the relevant pieces
The following test case reliably reproduces the error:
import numpy as np
from scipy import linalg as la
mat = np.array(
[0.9999999999999998j, 0j, -3.469446951953614e-18j, 0j],
[0j, 0.9999999999999998j, (8.673617379884035e-19+2.6020852139652106e-18j), -6.938893903907228e-18j],
[-3.469446951953614e-18j, (8.673617379884035e-19+2.6020852139652106e-18j), 0.9999999999999998j, 0j],
[0j, -6.938893903907228e-18j, 0j, 0.9999999999999998j]
LinAlgError Traceback (most recent call last)
Input In [17], in <cell line: 9>()
1 from scipy import linalg as la
2 mat = np.array(
3 [
4 [0.9999999999999998j, 0j, -3.469446951953614e-18j, 0j],
7 [0j, -6.938893903907228e-18j, 0j, 0.9999999999999998j]]
8 )
----> 9 la.eigvals(mat)
File ~/opt/anaconda3/envs/pygsti2/lib/python3.8/site-packages/scipy/linalg/, in eigvals(a, b, overwrite_a, check_finite, homogeneous_eigvals)
811 def eigvals(a, b=None, overwrite_a=False, check_finite=True,
812 homogeneous_eigvals=False):
813 """
814 Compute eigenvalues from an ordinary or generalized eigenvalue problem.
879 """
--> 880 return eig(a, b=b, left=0, right=0, overwrite_a=overwrite_a,
881 check_finite=check_finite,
882 homogeneous_eigvals=homogeneous_eigvals)
File ~/opt/anaconda3/envs/pygsti2/lib/python3.8/site-packages/scipy/linalg/, in eig(a, b, left, right, overwrite_a, overwrite_b, check_finite, homogeneous_eigvals)
244 w = wr + _I * wi
245 w = _make_eigvals(w, None, homogeneous_eigvals)
--> 247 _check_info(info, 'eig algorithm (geev)',
248 positive='did not converge (only eigenvalues '
249 'with order >= %d have converged)')
251 only_real = numpy.all(w.imag == 0.0)
252 if not (geev.typecode in 'cz' or only_real):
File ~/opt/anaconda3/envs/pygsti2/lib/python3.8/site-packages/scipy/linalg/, in _check_info(info, driver, positive)
1353 raise ValueError('illegal value in argument %d of internal %s'
1354 % (-info, driver))
1355 if info > 0 and positive:
-> 1356 raise LinAlgError(("%s " + positive) % (driver, info,))
LinAlgError: eig algorithm (geev) did not converge (only eigenvalues with order >= 2 have converged)
@albertzhu01 , regarding your last example, where you call la.eigvals(mat)
: This also fails for me. But your examples calling decomposer.num_basis_gates
do not fail on my machine.
How did you find mat
in this last example? Did it arise when calling decomposer.num_basis_gates
? If so, what was the input there?
In the stack trace, where do you see the call to eigvals
? Is it always here?:
Up = transform_to_magic_basis(U, reverse=True)
# We only need the eigenvalues of `M2 = Up.T @ Up` here, not the full diagonalization.
D = la.eigvals(Up.T @ Up)
Yes, mat
arises for me when I call decompose.num_basis_gates
on the following example:
[[(0.23662360703125174+0.9668410896909799j), 0j, (0.03464874399189194-0.08959375212849645j), 0j],
[(0.03464874399189194+0.08959375212849645j), 0j, (-0.23662360703125174+0.9668410896909799j), 0j],
[0j, (0.23662360703125174+0.9668410896909799j), 0j, (0.03464874399189194-0.08959375212849645j)],
[0j, (0.03464874399189194+0.08959375212849645j), 0j, (-0.23662360703125174+0.9668410896909799j)]]
And yes, that's where I always see the call to eigvals
It's still not working for me. This is what I see:
Just, to be clear, This example also fails on my machine with python and openblas. I reports the same error that you report.
I can run your most recent example and get the expected result, 3:
import qiskit
import numpy as np
unitary_bad = np.array([[(0.23662360703125174+0.9668410896909799j), 0j, (0.03464874399189194-0.08959375212849645j), 0j],
[(0.03464874399189194+0.08959375212849645j), 0j, (-0.23662360703125174+0.9668410896909799j), 0j],
[0j, (0.23662360703125174+0.9668410896909799j), 0j, (0.03464874399189194-0.08959375212849645j)],
[0j, (0.03464874399189194+0.08959375212849645j), 0j, (-0.23662360703125174+0.9668410896909799j)]])
n_basis_gates = qiskit.quantum_info.two_qubit_cnot_decompose.num_basis_gates(unitary_bad)
So the call to eigvals
has not raised an error.
What is the matrix that is passed to eigvals
? It looks like the following code will give it to me.
from scipy import linalg as la
import qiskit
import numpy as np
from qiskit.quantum_info.synthesis.weyl import transform_to_magic_basis
unitary_bad = np.array([[(0.23662360703125174+0.9668410896909799j), 0j, (0.03464874399189194-0.08959375212849645j), 0j],
[(0.03464874399189194+0.08959375212849645j), 0j, (-0.23662360703125174+0.9668410896909799j), 0j],
[0j, (0.23662360703125174+0.9668410896909799j), 0j, (0.03464874399189194-0.08959375212849645j)],
[0j, (0.03464874399189194+0.08959375212849645j), 0j, (-0.23662360703125174+0.9668410896909799j)]])
def prepare_for_eigvals(U):
U = U / la.det(U) ** (0.25)
Up = transform_to_magic_basis(U, reverse=True)
return Up.T @ Up
result = prepare_for_eigvals(unitary_bad)
But, the result printed is
[[-1.60267025e-16+1.00000000e+00j -9.37283027e-18-1.36181701e-17j
2.01085786e-18+1.50590401e-18j 1.11730739e-18-1.02267756e-18j]
[-9.37283027e-18-1.36181701e-17j -1.96188399e-16+1.00000000e+00j
1.39257162e-18+1.70219515e-18j 1.60107009e-19-9.09467378e-19j]
[ 2.01085786e-18+1.50590401e-18j 1.39257162e-18+1.70219515e-18j
-1.57938885e-16+1.00000000e+00j 9.45852359e-18+1.35987928e-17j]
[ 1.11730739e-18-1.02267756e-18j 1.60107009e-19-9.09467378e-19j
9.45852359e-18+1.35987928e-17j -1.94216235e-16+1.00000000e+00j]]
Which is different from the bad matrix.
In fact la.eigvals(result)
array([-1.60267025e-16+1.j, -2.22044605e-16+1.j, -2.22044605e-16+1.j,
So, I'm still unable to get a failing example. We need to find one in order to fix the problem. And we need to put it in the test suite to prevent a regression in the future.
EDIT: I wrote "fix the problem". But, it may be more than one problem, as well.
What is the current behavior?
If QV experiments with too many trials (example below shows 800 trials run on IBMQ Toronto) are run in a BatchExperiment, the following error occurs:
This varies from device to device.
Steps to reproduce the problem
What is the expected behavior?
A job should be successfully created and run
Suggested solutions