qiskit-community / qiskit-hackathon-korea-22

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Quantize leakage using Leakage Randomized Benchmarking #26

Open kjwcoo opened 2 years ago

kjwcoo commented 2 years ago


We will implement Leakage randomized benchmarking (LRB) using Qiskit Experiments.


We define transmon qubits by limiting our attention to $|0\rangle$ and $|1\rangle$ states, ignoring all the other excited states. This approach works due to slight anharmonicity of transmons, but there can be always “leakage”, states in the computational space excited to the leakage space, and “seepage”, states in the leakage space relaxed into the computational space.
Such leakage and seepage are significant source of errors because they are usually not considered in quantum error correction. If one wants to correct them in a fault-tolerant way, significant hardware resources have to be dedicated to detect and correct leakage and seepage.
Now that we know how malicious leekage and seepage are, we should see how much leakage and seepage we have in our gate set. Such protocol is introduced in Ref where authors slightly modified standard randomized benchmarking. In this project, we will implement leakage randomized benchmarking in Ref using Qiskit Experiments.

Ref: Quantification and characterization of leakage errors, Wood et al., PRA.



Module for Qiskit Experiments

GitHub repo

bicycle315 commented 2 years ago

I'm intereted in your idea. I want to know how leakage RB is different from standard RB and how you want to use leakage RB to detect leakage in the gate set.

kjwcoo commented 2 years ago

@bicycle315 Great! Hope we can work on this project for this hackathon 👍

bicycle315 commented 2 years ago

when can we discuss about it?

kjwcoo commented 2 years ago

@bicycle315 DM me in the slack channel! We can either make a group chat in Kakaotalk or in slack. My name is Jinwoong Kim.

0sophy1 commented 2 years ago


WhenTheyCry96 commented 2 years ago

I want to join the project

0sophy1 commented 2 years ago

Inho join as a mentee ;)

q-inho commented 2 years ago

very excited to join this project :D

Quantour commented 2 years ago

I'd like to join this project!

0sophy1 commented 2 years ago

이 프로젝트 발표자님! 저에게 이메일 주소 보내주세요! 슬랙에 Sophy! 최종 발표준비에 필요합니다

q-inho commented 2 years ago

Github Repo: https://github.com/q-inho/Quantize-leakage-using-Leakage-Randomized-Benchmarking