qiskit-community / qiskit-hackathon-korea-22

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Project A-2: Metal – Using Lumped Oscillator Model analysis to analyze a simple qubit-resonator chip #9

Open 0sophy1 opened 2 years ago

0sophy1 commented 2 years ago


Novel component designs, be they full qubits, or different styles of couplers, are a significant part of superconducting qubit research. Implementing them into a chip design with experiments in mind to test the effectiveness of such novel components is an important step in said research.


You, the quantum hardware designer, got the following device layout, where a transmon is coupled capacitively to a coplanar waveguide (CPW) bus readout resonator. You are also provided with the design’s Maxwell capacitance matrix extracted from an EM finite element simulation (also provided as a separate Q3D output text file).

In addition, you are given these parameters:


1) Use the new lumped model circuit analysis library in Qiskit Metal to find the dressed frequency and the anharmonicity of the qubit and the dispersive shift between the qubit and the readout resonator.

2) How would you change your design to lower the anharmonicity of the qubit? What does that mean consequently in terms of the values in the Maxwell capacitance matrix? What about lowering the dispersive shift? (Hint: understanding the structure of this matrix is certainly helpful, https://www.fastfieldsolvers.com/Papers/The_Maxwell_Capacitance_Matrix_WP110301_R02.pdf )

Capacitances [fF] ground_main_plane pad_bot_Q1 pad_top_Q1 readout_connector_pad_Q1
ground_main_plane 209.0442 -39.78914 -39.86444 -37.29686
pad_bot_Q1 -39.78914 91.05074 -30.61038 -19.21994
pad_top_Q1 -39.86444 -30.61038 73.8942 -2.00897
readout_connector_pad_Q1 -37.29686 -19.21994 -2.00897 59.0977


No limit. Will be Invited to the dedicated channel and a guide will be given there.


• The notebook of the written analysis code and results. • A writeup which includes the analysis results and the answers to the questions in 2).

GitHub repo

0sophy1 commented 2 years ago


0sophy1 commented 2 years ago

https://github.com/qiskit-community/qiskit-hackathon-korea-22/issues/11 Qiskit Metal B Team will try this together