qiskit-community / qiskit-hackathon-taiwan-20

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Application of quantum optimization #22

Open koreal6803 opened 3 years ago

koreal6803 commented 3 years ago


Our goal is to find the best solution to a problem (according to some criteria) from a set of possible solutions. Mostly, the optimization problem is formulated as a minimization problem, where one tries to minimize an error which depends on the solution: the optimal solution has the minimal error. We would like to apply quantum optimization problems to real world applications, such as finance portfolio optimization or vehicle location estimation.

Topic Candidates

For now, our top choice is to perform localization for vehicle sensor network. We assume each vehicle is able to send signal to each other and estimation the signal strength. With the signal strength, vehicle can estimate the distance of the the sensor. Therefore, it can estimate its position by formulating the problem to quadratic functions and solved using quantum optimization.



An application to help improve our life.

GitHub repo


starktech23 commented 3 years ago

@mandy6803 @belmirochu @chs14 @YanChengWeiTony please drop a comment here to assign yourselves to this issue from the top-right corner, or I can assign you if you prefer that.

starktech23 commented 3 years ago

@koreal6803 is this looking for a coach?

mandy6803 commented 3 years ago

@koreal6803 is this looking for a coach?

Yes, It will be nice to have you as our coach! Thank you for joining us!

YanChengWeiTony commented 3 years ago


belmirochu commented 3 years ago

@koreal6803 is this looking for a coach?

Yes, we are looking for a coach. thanks for your helping!!

chs14 commented 3 years ago


HuangJunye commented 3 years ago

@t-imamichi Do you have the bandwidth to coach this team as well?

mandy6803 commented 3 years ago

@starktech23 Thank you for being our coach. Please find the slack invitation link below to discuss our topic. We will put our idea on it for you later to review. Look forward to your comment. https://join.slack.com/t/qiskit/shared_invite/zt-hdktx2wg-j7OujbYiH5CGG1_m3Kk6Tw

t-imamichi commented 3 years ago

I see @starktech23 is already assigned as a coach. If they need any help, I can support them.

starktech23 commented 3 years ago

@t-imamichi I didn't know I was assigned as coach, but I'll need your support as well if I am to coach 😆 sorry for the confusion.

t-imamichi commented 3 years ago

No problem!

mandy6803 commented 3 years ago

@t-imamichi @starktech23 Thank you for both of your supports! Sorry for the confusion!

starktech23 commented 3 years ago

@mandy6803 can you and the team please start by creating a Slack DM group to stay connected, and creating a GitHub repo with all of your team members as collaborators to work together? Add me as well so I can take a look whenever you need me to.

starktech23 commented 3 years ago

Oh I see @koreal6803 already has a repo prepared. Everyone please join as contributors there and communicate via Slack.