Open brandxn-dp opened 5 months ago
I got the same error, interestingly suddenly after the module worked fine for a couple of days. In my first configuration, I wrote the origin and destination addresses as full text (street name etc.). Then I tried it using latitude and longitude 'lat lng' without the comma you have in your config. Now it works again, hopefully longer than a couple of days.
Here are the pm2 Logs:
|mm | [2024-06-24 20:06:48.766] [INFO] Checking git for module: MMM-MyCommute 0|mm | [2024-06-24 20:06:48.792] [INFO] updatenotification: [PM2] You are not using pm2 0|mm | [2024-06-24 20:06:48.804] [INFO] Checking git for module: MagicMirror 0|mm | [2024-06-24 20:06:49.929] [LOG] MMM-MyCommute: NOT_FOUND 0|mm | [2024-06-24 20:06:49.938] [DEBUG] { 0|mm | geocoded_waypoints: [ {}, { geocoder_status: 'ZERO_RESULTS' } ], 0|mm | routes: [], 0|mm | status: 'NOT_FOUND' 0|mm | }
This is my Config:
{ module: 'MMM-MyCommute', position: 'top_left', config: { apiKey: 'xxxxxx', origin: '42.455417789775154, -76.50468451930266', startTime: '00:00', endTime: '23:59', hideDays: [0,6], showSummary: true, destinations: [ { estination: '42.71686110052468, -76.30415425890175', label: 'Work', mode: 'driving', alternatives: true, color: '#82E5AA' }, ] } },
Not sure what is wrong here