qiuxiang / react-native-amap3d

react-native 高德地图组件,使用最新 3D SDK,支持 Android + iOS
MIT License
1.28k stars 327 forks source link

最新的react-native 0.69无法集成 #749

Open NapChen opened 2 years ago

NapChen commented 2 years ago

react-native-amap3d:v3.1.1 react-native:v0.69 使用最新的react-native-cli创建项目,引入react-native-amap3d后,使用pod install无法安装amap3d的依赖 react-native 切换成0.68执行 pod install 再使用0.69执行 pod install 会显示 Removing AMap3DMap Removing AMapFoundation 项目启动时会有warning warn Package react-native-amap3d has been ignored because it contains invalid configuration. Reason: "dependency.platforms.ios.project" is not allowed

qiuxiang commented 2 years ago

看起来 react-native.config.js 的写法有变动

37dong commented 2 years ago


qiuxiang commented 2 years ago


NapChen commented 2 years ago
image image

感谢作者,测试了最新的版本3.1.2,如果react-native版本不是0.69.1的话(我是0.68.2),执行pod install时不会安装地图的sdk,日志中无输出,如果使用3.1.1则在pod install执行过程中输出地图sdk的安装日志。 react-native是0.69.1的话使用3.1.2没有问题,能够正常安装地图sdk

hhy123540 commented 2 years ago

您好大佬 我也使用的是0.68.2的版本 在使用地图的时候遇到了闪退的问题 请问大佬您遇到过吗

NapChen commented 2 years ago


hhy123540 commented 2 years ago

晚上好大佬,我使用的就是rn68和map3.1 还是会出现闪退问题,看了Android studio的调试页面也没有看出个所以然,

NapChen commented 2 years ago


hhy123540 commented 2 years ago



感谢大佬回复,我看了一下 目前好像没有3.1.1的版本 我现在回退一下3.0.7版本 rn0.68.2版本再试一下

NapChen commented 2 years ago


hhy123540 commented 2 years ago


image 我是在这里看的 那我安装一下

krmao commented 10 months ago

"react-native-amap3d": "^3.2.4", "react-native": "0.72.4", 依然有错误

yarn run v1.22.19
$ react-native run-android --verbose
warn Package react-native-amap3d contains invalid configuration: "dependency.platforms.ios.project" is not allowed. Please verify it's properly linked using "react-native config" command and contact the package maintainers about this.
info JS server already running.
info Installing the app...
debug Running command "cd android && ./gradlew app:installDebug -PreactNativeDevServerPort=8081"
qianshihoushi commented 9 months ago

"react-native-amap3d": "^3.2.4", "react-native": "0.72.4", 依然有错误

yarn run v1.22.19
$ react-native run-android --verbose
warn Package react-native-amap3d contains invalid configuration: "dependency.platforms.ios.project" is not allowed. Please verify it's properly linked using "react-native config" command and contact the package maintainers about this.
info JS server already running.
info Installing the app...
debug Running command "cd android && ./gradlew app:installDebug -PreactNativeDevServerPort=8081"
