qiuzi / dns2socks

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Is there exist any guide for compile this tools for linux? #4

Open zw963 opened 8 years ago

zw963 commented 8 years ago

Current, what I need is compile this tools for asuswrt-merlin (Tomato).

I have no idea about how to do this, Thanks.

zw963 commented 8 years ago

In fact, I compile this tools for my linux slackware, not worked too.

I have try to compile DNS2SOCKS.c to DNS2SOCKS with

gcc -g -Wall -fPIC -c DNS2SOCKS.c -o DNS2SOCKS.o

It success, But when I link to generate a binary, get following message

/home/zw963/Git/dns2socks/DNS2SOCKS.c:334: undefined reference to `pthread_create'
/home/zw963/Git/dns2socks/DNS2SOCKS.c:341: undefined reference to `pthread_detach'
jannson commented 7 years ago

gcc -g -Wall -fPIC -c DNS2SOCKS.c -o DNS2SOCKS.o -lpthread

加依赖, libpthread.a

jannson commented 7 years ago


compiled binary here, you can run it on your asuswrt-merlin(Tomato).