qiweimao / ESP32-Datalogger

The ESP32 Data Logger is a cost efficient data acquisition system that supports vibrating wire sensors and other sensors with RS-485, TTL protocol.
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Master-Slave Network Management #13

Open qiweimao opened 1 month ago

qiweimao commented 1 month ago

Use this tutorial to add auto pairing capability: https://randomnerdtutorials.com/esp-now-auto-pairing-esp32-esp8266/

This logic can be used for ESP-NOW/LORA autopairing.

qiweimao commented 1 month ago

Worst Case Scenario: gateway off then back online, different channel

The only solution would be the node to try switching channels again.

Done. Solution has been impletemented.

qiweimao commented 1 month ago

The following functionalities still need to be developed:

API Control

  1. Logger System configuration.
  2. Data collection configuration.
  3. System Status.

Data Transfer

  1. need to implement packets
  2. assembly & storage on gateway side

Interesting read on LoRa struct: https://github.com/sandeepmistry/arduino-LoRa/issues/49